


Monday, August 31, 2015

Full Moon Phase: enlightenment, clarity

Moon in Aries

Goddess of Wisdom: Bhairavi (Goddess Who Fortifies the Heart; The Fierce One)

God of Will/Wisdom: Kathe (God of The South, God of Waves)

Skill:  see what stands out and understand the message

True Alignments:  receiving knowledge and information that is needed, individualism, anti-establishment, festive, seeing what lasts, inner wisdom, originality, solidarity, wonder of nature, accessing the inner child

Catalysts for Change:  stubborn, unworthiness, perfectionism, frozen in the past, impulsivity, ego-centricity and the markings and trappings of overblown ego (which is merely fear that is masked), closing off, not listening, superficial, overly-reliant, hyper-competitive

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: "a carrier pigeon fulfilling its mission" (divine guidance and messages)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the music of the spheres"

Multiple things are happening in the sky today to change the energetics of the way life feels and what we experience:

SUN OPPOSES NEPTUNE/EARTH CONJUNCTS NEPTUNE: This only happens one day each year.  This year, a flood of emotions and clarity brings forward plans for the future.  Lines are drawn; connections are made.  Our decisions and actions are always motivated by what we value, but today it clearly stands out and is easy to see.  In turn, what others value is also evident.  Things may develop quite swiftly and may require additional attention or quick judgment.  The Earth and Neptune are conjunct (in the same place in the sky) and co-disseminating the energy of 9 Pisces - "the race begins; intent on outdistancing his rivals, a jockey spurs his horse to great speed." 

What are you trying to win?  Wisdom is revealed within this question today, uncloaking a greater insight that may have been nebulous.  How we answer the question, especially in context of relationships, plays out with plans for the future.

 MARS CONJUNCTS VENUS at 01:02 am ET/5:02 am UT tonight, but builds all day, adding the emphasis on relationships mentioned above.  The masculine and feminine energies unite at 15 Leo and "a pageant moving along a street packed with people."  Things are outstanding in that they "stand out" to us - perhaps rather dramatically.  What is being highlighted or paraded before you?  It's a message, for sure, continuing the dynamic this month of messages and information being delivered to us from "on high."

THE MOON ENTERS ARIES FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE THE BLACK MOON ENTERED LIBRA, making today the first "Black Moon Day" for the Black Moon's transit of Libra.  Long time readers know that Black Moon Days have a way of bringing out everyone's shadow side -- fears and trapped power.  People project their own feelings about themselves onto others.  Harsh self-judgment, feelings of worthlessness, and feelings of being undeserving (as if there is such a thing) can crop up.  This dynamic asks us to see our own value and to paint the painting of our lives as a unique being.  All of the emotions that flood in today contribute to the various grades and shades of our personal painting.

URANUS MOVES TO 20 ARIES, off of the Eris Point and the corresponding Sabian symbol of "a boxer entering the ring."  Uranus, Planet of Changes, which is retrograde and revising the state of everything, now begins to disseminate the energy of "a young girl feeding birds in winter."  Situations can go "cold" in order for something else to emerge or be seen -- something that leads to the highest and best for all involved.  Energy that was previously fed into cold or lifeless situations will no longer be able to be sustained.  This is a major shift.

SATURN MOVES TO THE LAST DEGREE OF SCORPIO, beginning to disseminate the energy of "children in Halloween costumes indulging in various pranks."  Since it's Saturn, an extra potential for tricks and hijinks exists until September 18.  And since it is also a "Black Moon day," tricks can come from behind the shadows today and tomorrow.  Don't be fooled or taken into an abyss of hopelessness and self-criticism.  That's a trick.

Today we are wise to pay attention to what stands out -- what the divine feminine and divine masculine want us to see and understand.  We are painting the picture of the future today, but we just may find that heaven on earth exists right here, right now.