


Saturday, August 29 - Sunday, August 30, 2015

Full Moon Phase: realization

Moon in Pisces

Goddess of Wisdom: Bhairvi (Goddess Who Fortifies the Heart)

God of Will/Desire: Kathe (God of The South, God of Waves)

Skill: align with faith, potential, recovery, and full light

True Alignments:  like-minded people coming together, pioneering, commonality, wild streak, perceiving new levels, new beginnings, charm, rising above, stability, hearing the message, pleasure, release of the past, darkness lifting and lightening up, practice and discipline, talents revealed (perhaps long-forgotten talents), focus, loyalty

Catalysts for Change:  dependency, initially having difficulty comprehending (but then gaining insight), crashing, hopeless, giving up on dreams, jealousy, chaos, domination, fear of old traumas returning, hyper-competitive, uncontrolled passions, self-deprecating, strong need to be noticed, uncomfortable, continual re-starts

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: "a carrier pigeon fulfilling its mission" (divine guidance)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the music of the spheres"

The full light of the Full Moon begins today, along with the blazing light of the element of fire.  This Full Moon is the Fire Moon.

Not only is this the Full Moon of the Leo cycle, ruled by the Sun itself and ruler of the element fire, but the Sabian symbols this weekend are all about illumination.  The symbols involved with the locations of the planets include the illumination of shafts of light, brilliant sunlight after a storm, the dawning of a new day (beginning),  and the enlightenment of a campfire.

For all of the blessings, gifts, and insight that can come from a "Fire Moon," full light can blind and can sting.  We are aware that this accompanies the engagement of wisdom, and stay the course until our eyes adjust.

"Adjustment" is a key word this weekend because there is great potential for dramatic life changes.  If you are experiencing this, the changes are coming from a very deep place inside.  New life is trying to emerge from the corners of what has been shadowed.  Dive into the great void and let it heal you.  Immersion in the void is not surrendering to circumstance or emotion; it is a brave journey to be washed clean.  It isn't the end; it is the beginning.

All month long we are receiving divine messages and guidance, but this amps up with the Full Moon and also with Mars at the degree "cherub-like, a human soul whispers, seeking to manifest."  Spirit descends.  We can perceive it more easily when we realize that it is invisible but appears within the subtleties and synchronicities of the very visible natural world.  What message seeks to find you?

As we gaze at the Fire Moon, let's also turn to the Sun.  The Full Moon would not be possible without the Sun.  If you are lucky enough to have a campfire to watch this weekend, take advantage.  If not, candlelight will do just fine.  What flickers?

SPECIAL NOTE:  If you were born between January 30, 1969 and March 9, 1969, please email me at