


"Forging Destiny" - Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Destiny awaits:

1- MARS CONJUNCT SOUTH NODE/OPPOSE NORTH NODE - Our inner warrior — Mars — is conjunct the South Node (the past) at 02 Sagittarius, “the ocean covered with whitecaps.”

On the surface, things get “whipped up” or “stirred up” due to wind. Wind is also the Breath of Spirit.

The theme for the month is the Sabian symbol of the New Moon — “a widow’s PAST is brought to light.” Today and tomorrow, Mars brings that past right up to the light. It is right in front of us.

We cannot change the past, except for changing how we view it. The act of changing how we view it structures our future.

The past and the future are all happening NOW. We sit at the point of power— the present moment.

We are lucky, even though it seems that we are not lucky in the present moment of the world. We are lucky because our Mars — our Will, the way we make things happen — is also opposite the North Node (destiny). Mars is aiming toward wish fulfillment. The North Node is discharging “Santa Claus filling stockings furtively.”

The nwo lore of Santa Claus is not important. Santa as Saturn/Saturnalia, as the nwo narrative goes, is powerfully overwritten as gifts given between people at a time when the Light of Creation is celebrated through an agreed upon date of the birth of Christos. That is the narrative. Try as they might to use the inverse, they try in vain.

The other planets are colluding to bring events that “whip up” the energetics so that we come to see the strength and permanence that comes with “the ocean covered with whitecaps.” Stability or the voice of calm is underneath the surface. It is inside of us.

Remember the wish you made on a star a couple of weeks ago? That was a wish for Second Renaissance. It holds the form of your thoughts in compact measure. Those thoughts forge destiny.

It is a good time for Santa.

"Homefire" - Monday, December 13, 2021

We can expect some shifts in the energy today with Mercury moving into Capricorn and Mars moving into Sagittarius. Our thinking becomes clearer and practical; our energy moves from water to fire — or emotional to active.

1- HOMEFIRE - When Mars flows our energy from water to fire, there is a distinct difference. There are higher and lower octaves. Mars in Scorpio focused our emotions on excitement all the way to depression. Now, Mars in Sagittarius focuses our will on aligning with Higher Good, and the lower octave can take us all the way off path into meaninglessness.

Mars in Sagittarius will oppose the Black Moon in Gemini. The polarity of acceptance and meaningfulness/purpose balances rejection and lies. These types of issues will be stronger over the next eight days as the Sun completes it time in Sagittarius, adding more fire. Today this is more pronounced because the Moon is completing its transit of Aries — Mars’ home sign and a fire sign.

Because Mercury (thinking) and Mars (will) are both changing signs today, this can put us in state of confusion because the change is sharper. Therefore, it may take a little time to adjust. The “sharper change” modifies our perception.

Modification of our perception is exactly what we are having with Venus retrograde even though it is preparing to retrograde and is in its shadow. What happens during the “shadow period” before a retrograde tells us a great deal about what will transpire during the retrograde. With Venus, it is all about values. So we take this information into the mix, knowing that our thinking and will are undergoing perspective shift.

It makes for a good time to go back to the beginning. Why are wise owls engaging in consciousness study? To anchor Second Renaissance.

Second Renaissance is the HOMEFIRES of our souls. Our spirit brings out the “gold of the souls” to create Second Renaissance. It is our WILL combined with our THINKING that manifests it. Second Renaissance happens because we make it so.

Meaning, we do not give up, even when it SEEMS like there is an uphill hill to climb.

2 - VENUS ON PILGRIMAGE - The reason to bring this up is because Venus, fresh off of its conjunction with Pluto (heavy business), is discharging “a mountain pilgrimage.” In the context of the Sabian symbols, this is a reminder of the need to strive further and not give up. It says we have more to learn on our path. It represents an ascension of consciousness.

Do we think we know all parts of our path? Do we think it is all up to us?

We never know all parts of the path, and it is never solely up to us.

Wise owls work for God. We work for the betterment of the human collective. In our “job description,” it says that even when you work for God, it is absolutely ok to feel whatever you are feeling. Astrology makes impressions on us — and that astrology changes daily. When we are honest about our feelings, this is truth. It doesn’t mean the feeling stays around longer because we acknowledge it. It means we are taking a practical assessment.

We don’t have to know everything now. The astrology is laid out, and for many months, I have covered the time we are in. But there is more happening. There is MORE SPIRITUALITY happening. The bottom line to all of the feelings, no matter what they are, is to never give up on the mission: moving forward into Second Renaissance. We are undeterred.

Let’s remember.

"Owl in the Fifth Trecena" - Friday, December 10, 2021

In the Sacred Count, we are in a window of time that brings us the most wisdom of the 13 day count (trecena). This lasts until December 19, which is when Venus stations retrograde.

One thing that I have noticed over the years is that this window of time doesn’t just bring wisdom; it also tries to “save” us from something. Events happen to prevent us from taking action that is not in our best interests — if we are watching.

Here are the other energies today:

1 - VENUS CONJUNCTS PLUTO - Venus moves to 26 Capricorn today, but tomorrow it will make exact conjunction with Pluto (Saturday at 11:18 am EST). 26 Capricorn is “a fairy dancing in the mist of a waterfall.” This is the same degree as the last conjunction (or beginning of a new cycle) on January 28, 2021. This is a longer discussion for later.

2 - BOOKS - Follow intuition to pick up a source of wisdom, preferably something older. This could be any form of written word or things we hear, but mainly words. The Sabian of “a large archaic volume reveals a traditional wisdom” is active. The potential her is enormous because this is a large volume.

3 - MATURITY - The Black Moon moves to 17 Gemini, “the head of a robust youth changes into that of a mature thinker.” People become more serious and wiser. The Black Moon will discharge this degree until, again, December 19th, the day Venus stations retrograde. This is a great thing to have happen before Venus goes retrograde because it puts people in the mind of what they really value. Venus retrograde brings our values up to a higher level.

4 - 4 OWL is the “stabilization of wisdom.” Today tries to put us in good order. The message or information that we receive wants to balance our psyches. If you have a question that is perplexing you, put it out to the universe and see what returns.

Grounding with the Earth is the best way to stabilize. You know what to do. :)

"A Sabian Game" - Thursday, December 9, 2021

I love it when a Sabian Symbol Plan comes together.

Let’s play a game — or an exercise of pattern recognition.



SUN: “tiny children in sunbonnets”

EARTH: “two Chinese men talking Chinese in a western crowd”

MERCURY: “a bluebird standing at the door of a house”

MARS: “the king of the fairies approaching his domain”

ERIS: “an open window and a net curtain blowing into a cornucopia”

What do you see?

Here is my brief Space Weather analysis:

It is 3 Eagle in the Sacred Count and this week's fourth astrological event occurs with Mercury trine Eris. This is a good sign! All of this brings expansion of liberty and the promise of happiness.

Mercury is located at "a bluebird standing at the door of a house," and Eris is located at "an open window and a net curtain blowing into a cornucopia." Energetically, we are standing at the door of a house and inside of the house, there is a window of abundance, reward, and harvest pouring through it.

Where is the house? It may be Mars' house, as today Mars is located at "the King of the Fairies approaching his domain." This tells us to adopt our inner Mars - the spiritual warrior.

The Sun is discharging "tiny children in sunbonnets." Shield your ears from the dark side's narratives about the House of Liberty. We will stick with the King.

Now, the message was easy to see, but I had to correct it two times. What can come with Mercury trine Eris? Miscommunications. Eris usually requires two tries. Eris is prone to throw things and can direct Mercury’s energy toward impulsivity. The Earth at “two Chinese men talking Chinese in a western crowd” comes in with miscommunications and misunderstandings.

(Side note: Can we amend the Sabians? This symbol is grammatically incorrect. It should be two Chinese men SPEAKING Chinese in a western crowd.)

Today’s skill or mission of the day is up to you. Be your own king. What do you want to do with your day? How do YOU want to be?

Rule it.

Paraphrasing my teacher’s words of Ian Lungold of

“Peace of mind, living by intuition, equals centeredness, equals certainty. Certainty comes from the recognition of patterns.”

Have a lovely day.

PS - The Black Moon is leaving 16 Gemini today, “a woman activist in an emotional speech dramatizing her cause.” This was the degree the Black Moon was located at during the New Moon, so it is in effect all cycle long (this month). This article details Hilary’s speech about not giving her presidential speech. You don’t have to read it. But she was directed to fulfill this symbol. She likes to think of herself as an activist.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Currently, the psyche of the human collective is processing the fact that whole countries have imposed new world order martial law, unofficially announced global financial collapse, and directed impending war.

A great many people are dying from the planned pandemic.
This is trauma.
We are moving quickly to a point in time when change happens -- because the pain to stay the same becomes greater than the pain to change.
This moment will become an opportunity -- or a Refraction Point.
In physics, refraction is the change in the direction of a wave passing from one medium or state to another.
Refraction of light is caused due to the change in speed of light when it enters from one medium to another.
It causes the medium to BEND.
We are only just beginning to see what we are capable of, and what happens when the pain to stay the same becomes greater than the pain to change.
Today, the Sun is discharging the Sabian symbol of 17 Sagittarius, "an Easter sunrise service."
Light is getting ready to bend the wave of highest human values.
Humanity rises.

"Moving Headspace" - Monday, December 6, 2021

Changing conditions are indicated in the astrology, and today is 13 Road in the Sacred Count. At the very least, we are “moving headspace:”

1 - SHADOWS APPEAR - The Sun moves into its one day per year opposition with the Black Moon. The Sun is already concentrated on shadows with the Sabian symbol of “the ground hog looking for its shadow on Ground Hog’s Day.”

This energy goes fully into effect around 5:00 pm EST today and lasts until the opposition with the Black Moon at 10:40 am EST tomorrow.

At the time of the opposition, the Sun will be discharging “sea gulls fly around a ship looking for food.” When a sea gull comes around for food, it is being lazy — or has adapted to the conditions. It can catch small fish or other small marine life, but it is easier to live off of what is left behind or given to them. Until, that is, it is breeding season. They give only their young the high nutrition food that they catch.

Along the same line, Mercury is discharging “pelicans - disturbed by the garbage of people - move their young to a new habitat.” These energies show us the easy path (or the path most follow) and the challenging path (or the path or the way of the spiritual warrior).

The easy path that some are following makes people angry at delays in all types of gratification or not getting their way today and tomorrow.

The challenging path offers an opportunity to learn, which overrides the Sun opposition to the Black Moon. We understand the astrological transit and what tend to comes with it (projection onto others), but we look at what transpires with the catalyst of Sun opposite Black Moon and what it is teaching us.

The Black Moon itself is discharging “a woman activist in an emotional speech dramatizing her cause.” So we see that emotions are running high.

2 - CHANGING CONDITIONS - People are prompted to move or move out of some situation. This is a natural by-product of 13 Road, and also comes with Mars at “Indians making camp in new territory.”

13 Road is an ending because it is the end of a 13 day count in the Mayan Sacred Calendar (trecena). But what begins tomorrow, when the count returns to 1, is 13 day period of wisdom. We learn more in the next 13 days combined than we do at any other time in the calendar.

I have said that we are in a “pause” because we are in the shadow of Venus retrograde, and we come out of it on March 1, 2022. Moving or moving to some headspace may need to happen now if conditions are showing that for you. If this does not need to happen now, it is better to wait until March, as conditions will be changing rapidly.

3 - HUDDLE - If you caught my New Moon in Sagittarius recording (at, this month is about how the parliament of wise owls huddles close together and receives the breath of the Divine. This reminds us to not react to the Sun-Black Moon opposition. Watch it play out. Breathe in if things become discordant.

This week, we have 5 major astrological aspects that will affect conditions. Take it slowly. See you tomorrow.

"Star Wishes" - Thursday, December 2, 2021

Today is 9 Star - the best day to make a wish!

Today’s energetics are about “connections of light.” New paths or directions emerge with the Earth discharging “newly opened lands offer the pioneer new opportunities for experience.”

The Sun is discharging “the lamp of physical enlightenment at the left temple.” Today I am thinking of the story where Jesus turned over the moneychanger’s tables in the temple. Venus, which “rules” money, is discharging “a general accepts defeat gracefully.”

Let’s talk a little about Venus. We know we are in the shadow of its retrograde. And right now, it is moving into conjunction, in Capricorn, with Pluto. (When Pluto enters Aquarius in 2023 - whole new world.) Since this conjunction is happening in Capricorn, it brings in the energy of Saturn — Capricorn’s ruler. This has made for difficult relationship issues since 2008, when Pluto entered Capricorn. It brings control issues in relationships.

It also enabled the gender wars to be pushed by the nwo.

And also enabled the break up of families.

Today, we are “pioneering” into unknown territory to mend those issues, personally and collectively, and we take this into Venus’ retrograde. Venus retrograde is all about values. We take the memory of functional relationships into the future with us, holding out for the Big Change when Pluto enters Aquarius, just as Saturn and Jupiter already have after the Great Conjunction of 2020.

In a way, Venus and Pluto are mismatched. Pluto is the higher octave of Mars. Mars and Venus are matched. Pluto is only matched with Eris. Eris is the higher octave of Venus. Venus and Pluto together are somewhat superficial. They are more focused on the material world. This is important to remember with Venus preparing to retrograde just after its conjunction with Pluto.

What we can expect from Venus’ retrograde is a backlash against the “porn society” that Satan/Saturn pulled over humanity’s eyes. Sexual degeneration is what his world runs on.

We are on to new territory.

Next up: New Moon in Sagittarius/Total Solar Eclipse

"Bowhunting" - Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Here is a radical idea to today’s energy of the Sun aspecting Saturn and Chiron while the asteroid Vulcan opposes the Black Moon: “shoot down” anything that remarks as defeatism.

What counts as defeatism includes perceived failure, pressure, self sabotage, feelings of victimization, heavy responsibilities, and overwhelm.

The radical idea is to “shoot down” the feelings after you have recognized them. We see what is clear (Chiron at “a crystal gazer”) and turn these feelings into something else (Saturn at “a flag turned into an eagle”). This is strength.

“Shooting down” comes with the Earth discharging “a quiver filled with arrows” and Mars discharging “hunters shooting wild ducks.” We do not need the feelings of defeatism.

The Sun is sextile Saturn and trine Chiron. The higher aspect of this is “the time for healing.” Vulcan and the Black Moon bring explosive, frenzied emotions to the surface. This shows us what needs to be healed.

The energy of the Full Moon/Partial Lunar Eclipse and the upcoming New Moon /Total Solar Eclipse has mental health in the “crosshairs.” All types of mental illness are triggered. Today, Saturn and Chiron amplify suicidal ideation, paranoia, hallucinations, and depression. Even low levels of depression can seem insurmountable under these energetics.

When we “shoot down” something, we see it, recognize it, and eliminate it. This is otherwise known as giving oneself a break.

Let’s remember that we are navigating treacherous waters of the dark forces as they attack us. They have quivers of nanotech ready to shoot. This is not normal. We judge ourselves under normal conditions, and these are not normal conditions. The hunters want us to judge ourselves and feel defeated. We did not cause this. We do not judge ourselves according to their standards.

Do what you need to do to recognize the reality of you and give yourself the break.

"The Fifth Element" - Monday, November 29, 2021

At 7:20 am EST, Pluto moved to 26 Capricorn, “a nature spirit dancing in the mist of a waterfall.” I love 26 Cap.

This is really the story of humanity. We are spirit in the form of water that experiences what it is like to fall, and then we evaporate into heaven. I will talk about this more at the New Moon in Sagittarius.

I will also talk about the movie “The Fifth Element” and the current omicron, but be aware that today’s energy is the foundation for the New Moon in Sagittarius. Today’s energy is the LAST day of the two months-long energy that has been like a long Full Moon phase. Tomorrow, we enter into the Disseminating time of year - the time we share and communicate.

The thing to know/gno is that things are CHANGING today, and it is for the BETTER. This is timed to THE DAY, according to astrology. I could go into depth about the importance of today, but that would take a while. Suffice it to say, today is very important, so pay attention to what comes to your mind and WRITE IT DOWN.

Here are the elements of today:

1 - DEEP ELEMENTS - The Sun is discharging “deep within the depths of the earth, new elements are being formed.” Pay attention to what is forming and what is developing for you and in the world. New things are surfacing. Remember that this month we have been in a canoe, diving deeply when it is our turn. That cycle ends today. (Tomorrow we enter the Balsamic Moon phase, which is a phase out of time that doesn’t belong to the current cycle and not yet part of the next cycle. It is a time of dreams.)

2 - HIDDEN CHOIR - Venus is discharging “a hidden choir singing during a religious service.” This is one of those days when things “fall” into your mind. It is far beyond “aha!” This day brings wisdom.

3 - UP - Mercury is discharging “a mother leads her small child step by step up the stairs.” Today goes somewhere. It the “start” of new things.

4 - UNITY - The Earth is discharging “aroused strikers round a factory.” This is organization or compartmentalization of feelings in response to injustice. Omicron arouses people who are trying to wake up from the loop.

5 - RESISTANCE - Mars is discharging “obeying his conscience, a soldier resists orders.” Integrity and preparedness are priorities when resisting the status quo. What gets us through? Love.

Love is the fifth element today. Have a lovely day.

"Jumping Owl" - Friday, November 26, 2021

Today the Sun is discharging “an old owl up in a tree.” But today is 3 Wind, pulling us along with spiritual movement. We may not like the vantage point where we are, so we decide to change trees.

Birds and children dominate the Sabian symbols of the planets today. We have the owl in the tree (Sun) and a parrot repeating conversations (Mars). A child is learning to walk (Mercury) and a child is carrying a little too much for him or her to handle, but is doing pretty well with it (Venus).

The combination of these symbols brings SUCCESS. We have wisdom, information, starting out on new beginnings, and, in the end, success.

To get us to “success,” we may have to change perspective or looking at life a different way. The “old owl up in a tree” jumps to another tree - a higher tree - and views again. The Wind of 3 wants to improve our vibration, so it will have us changing direction.

Usually when the “old owl” symbol appears in the day’s astrology, it is a sign to go within and digest what is happening in order to judge. This enables us to make wise opinions, thoughts, beliefs, and decisions. It is a “solitary” symbol of our inner worlds. This time, the overall energetics are about movement. It is not passive; it is active. And it may come with other people’s emotions dramatically filling the air.

There is tremendous strength with these energetics. When we apply our strength - our Will - beyond the normal expectations, it is inevitable that we will grow. We forget about failing because we are in the mist of dealing with what is beyond our capability. Thus, we succeed when we first start because we have already gone into unknown territory. We have already left the place where we were. This is the wisdom of Venus at “a child of about five carrying a huge shopping bag filled with groceries.”

Today’s movement from one tree or another may just be a slight change in direction or it might be a big change in direction. This would depend on your natal chart and the astrology of “now,” if it is your time to change.

We are adjusting with the changes.

Happy Wise Owl Day! Remember that we are poised to succeed.

"Christmas at Thanksgiving" - Thursday, November 25, 2021

Today’s energetics remind us of a few things that you may encounter:

1 - PATIENCE FOR ALL - The Sun is discharging “a little child learning to walk,” proving some situations difficult. Awakening is a step by step process, and it follows one’s one personal “time.” Progress is made when we allow people their own free will.

2 - EMOTIONS STIRRED - Mercury (thoughts, communication) and the South Node (the past) are conjunct today at “the ocean covered with whitecaps.” These are deep emotions that are coming up, possibly from eons ago. If you become angry or upset, communications will suffer. It is best to calm down or wait for another day.

3 - FLAG FLYING - Venus is discharging “the Union Jack flies from a new British warship.” Control issues, “territory” protections, guardedness, artificial shows of strength, and reliability may surface. This is colonialism in some form or another. Flags may fly, but we know we are sovereign.

4 - THE BEST - The Earth is discharging “holly and mistletoe bring Christmas spirit to a home.” This is the best energy of the day. Love and joy! When we focus on the magic, magic spreads. Emanate your spirit from the heart.

These are some things to keep in mind today. See you tomorrow for Wise Owl Day - the Sun at 05 Sagittarius, “an old owl up in a tree.”

"One Sun" - Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Today is 1 Sun in the Sacred Count. This is the One Path of Truth. It infuses us. It settles into the open spaces we have in our hearts.

Today, the “open spaces” become orderly. Things that are “rolling around” inside of us (things that the Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse/Frost Moon stirred up) are trying to find their “ground.”

Here is how:

1 - THOUGHTFUL & CAUTIOUS - The Sun is discharging “two men playing chess.” The chess board or field of consciousness is open to moves, but these must be thoughtful and cautious. We are playing the whole board and have to adjust to changing circumstances. This is a skill (or training) that we have practiced, but now the circumstances are coming faster. It is in toto.

This energy is good for developing a plan, especially if it a plan to be released from restraint — freedom. Cautious plans are not impulsive plans, so we want to follow the path.

2 - ORDERLY - The Earth is discharging “the Garden of the Tuileries in Paris.” With this, form and function are addressed. The “open spaces” in our minds and hearts seek containment. We want to understand. 1 Sun or One Sun or One Son is attentive to this.

3 - MEMORIES - Any time a planet enters Sagittarius, the first thing it does is bring up memories. The Sabian symbol for 01 Sagittarius is “retired Army veterans gather to reawaken old memories.” Sagittarius energy wants to solve. It makes meaning out of chaos.

Mercury, which rules our cognition, in Sagittarius, awakens things we had forgotten about to bring clues to the present. Our minds wander back and seek the meaning of the wisdom.

Mercury is the ruler of Gemini. Sagittarius’ opposite or polarity is Gemini. Right now, the Black Moon is in Gemini. In astrology, this means Mercury transiting opposite the Black Moon.

This gives us “more thought.”

We put things together (from the open spaces in our minds and hearts).

It’s orderly.

It’s Oneness.

1 Sun. One Sun. One Son.

It’s fits well with the season because the one attitude of the season, no matter where you are, is gratitude. I am grateful for you. Thank you for traveling with me on a path least traveled in consciousness that I write about here. This path is like the degree of Mars today, “a path through woods rich in autumn coloring.” Unknown, the least path traveled is beautiful. Much love!

Sunday, December 20, 2020 - Day Ten/Eve of The Mystic

“The Bluebird of Happiness at the Old Adobe Mission: Dawning of the Age of Aquarius” by Wise Owl Christine Vincent

Moon in Pisces

Crescent Moon Phase (persevere through any challenges)

Tzolkin: 13 Crocodile

Higher Octaves: beauty, a way forward, mind blowing, self-sustaining, treasures found/rediscovered in the routine or ordinary, rising to the occasion, Divine inspiration, spokespeople, embracing the new

Lower Octaves: judgmental, power hungry, projecting emotions onto others, spreading negativity, irresponsible, superficial, attention-seeking behavior, assumptions, a tyrant, commitment issues, rejection

Theme for the Month: “a bluebird standing at the door of the house” (for the promise of happiness, choose it)

Theme for the Year: “a triangle with wings” (Second Renaissance enters)


What are you going to do on the last day of the old world?

Let’s look at the astrology first and then we will talk about the eve of The Mystic.

Five themes today:

1 - THE POPE AND THE INDIAN CHIEF - The Sun and Mercury are still in close conjunction today, bringing more and more information, messages, signs, and directives. The two Sabian symbols involved are both about leaders/power or assuming power and their followers or the people who will be led.

The Sun is discharging 30 Sagittarius, “the Pope blessing the faithful.” Mercury is discharging 01 Capricorn, “an Indian chief claims power from the assembled tribe.” At the time of the SOLSTICE tomorrow, 5:02 am ET, the Sun and Mercury will still be discharging these degrees. So today’s energetics flow into the Solstice.

The advantage goes to the Indian chief not the Pope. Sorry, not sorry, Frankie. The reason is the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction — their beloved little charade-ritual on which they are pinning their whole future.

The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction is the so-called “Great Conjunction” in AQUARIUS. Aquarius is all about freedom, the rights of the individual without an intermediary, anti-dogma of any type, representative groups, anti-elite, equal access, humanitarianism, free energy, any and all things alternative — including healthcare, idealism, and individualism.

Aquarius rules groups, and the natural group dynamic of humans is for each to take a role. People who are leaders naturally rise. People who are implementers follow suit. The point of this is it is PEOPLE, NOT ELITE, who champion Aquarius. The elite had their time with Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn. That time is over.

2 - BIG CHANGES - Uranus and the Black Moon are now in conjunction through Tuesday, December 22 at 11:00 pm ET. During this time, there could be some very big changes, surprises or even shocks, and issues around grids, networks, etc. But this is a generalized energetic that will fling changes from out of the blue (and the black) in all directions.

These will all be for the best when all is said and done, particularly the ones that seem unfortunate (they will bring something helpful later). Remember, Uranus works for the highest and best of all, and the Black Moon wants to regain personal power hidden in our shadow sides. It’s good, but it could strike like lightning.

3 - ON DISPLAY - What’s on display for us today? The Earth is discharging 30 Gemini, “a parade of bathing beauties before large beach crowds.” This energetic usually brings something that draws our attention. Note the “beach crowds” part, which is a combination or convergence of land, sea, and air — three elements. This is also a reference to body, spirit, and mind in harmony.

4 - SUPPRESSED EMOTIONS RISING - The Black Moon and Uranus are discharging 07 Taurus, “a woman of Samaria [Sumer} comes to draw water from the well.” This energetic is about the rise of suppressed emotions. We have a bit of that going on, don’t we? The world is being suppressed!

Consider this: Uranus was discovered in 1781. The last time a new planet was discovered before that was Saturn in 1610. Uranus was already brewing within the spirit of We The People in 1776, time of the American Revolution, even before it was sighted. We The People will rise with this, which means we rise with Second Renaissance/Age of Aquarius (ruled by Uranus).

5 - OPEN SAYS ME- which brings me to the Eve of The Mystic part of today’s report. We have a three-peat energetic with the theme of OPENINGS:

New Moon energetic in effect: “a bluebird of happiness at the DOOR OF A HOUSE”

Venus today at “Cupid knocking at the DOOR OF THE HUMAN HEART”

Mars moving today to “an OPEN WINDOW and a net curtain blowing into a cornucopia”

So, let’s translate: Love, happiness, and abundance await us at the opening of the new world.

Hard to believe? Too good to be true? Does the state of the world look grim to you? We have a test in front of us for sure. What things look like today is not what they are going to look like soon.

On the last day of the old world, what are you going to do to prepare for the entry to love, happiness, and abundance?

And with this, how about the parliament of wise owls connects through the light tonight? Light a candle and spread the love.

See you in The Mystic! Let’s go!

Thursday, February 4 - Friday, February 5, 2021

Photograph taken by Wise Owl M

Moon in Scorpio/moves to Sagittarius Friday at 12:17 pm ET (Black Moon days until the Moon enters Sag)

Third Quarter Moon Phase (revise, realign)

Tzolkin: Thursday - 7 Deer Friday - 8 Star

Higher Octaves: discovery, coming to terms with something, upset to the status quo, what would you do with all the love in the world?

Lower Octaves: afraid to speak up or staying in the background, nervous worry, unable to let guard down, compromised, ego centric, miscommunications, overburdened

Theme for the Month: “a woman entering a convent” (build inner strength)

Theme for the Year: “a triangle with wings” (Second Renaissance begins)


Dominating the energetics is the load-in to the exact conjunction of Venus and Saturn (which comes in at 2:07 am ET Saturday).

What does a Venus-Saturn conjunction mean in Second Renaissance/Age of Aquarius?

We are finding out!

It is clear that the old ways of rhyme and reason are no longer cohesive. They do not hold up. The sooner we see that the following things no longer stand up, the better off we will be:

  • self-imposed limitations and restrictions

  • denial of self and uniqueness as a child of God

  • unaccepting of love/inability to receive

  • self-sabotage

  • shame

Other than being contrary to Divine Nature, these things no longer hold up because the defining characteristic of 2R is personal responsibility. The things listed above are choices now. In the old world, much of the responsibility went to the archons. That is much less true now.

Those things are baggage that can simply be dropped. Look at them. They do not hold the same power that they did in 1R (the old world, pre-2R). They are merely bad habits now, not habitats. It is more uncomfortable to live in self-sabotage now, for example, because it does not feel like it used to. It doesn’t hold the appeal that it did.; None of the list does because the majority of the archontic (demonic) energies have been dispatched. What is left are the very ancient ones and the petty tyrant ones that remain inside people.

But this is going to take people time to understand. People identify that things are strange and they seek an easy answer to why that is (geopolitics), but it is much, much more complex than that. And it is also quite simple. Truth and love prevails in 2R. It’s as simple as that. If it isn’t true and it isn’t sourced in love, it will not be around for the duration.

It is a lot to explain. Let’s look now at the themes that are happening Thursday and Friday as Venus and Saturn meet up:

1 - PURPOSE - On Thursday, the Sun is discharging “a watchdog standing guard protecting his master and his possessions.” Since Cheyenne (Chi Chi) the German Shepherd came to live with me, I have learned a great deal more about purpose. Shepherds are nothing without a purpose.

As it is with everything now, our ideas about purpose are undergoing revision. Many things are undergoing revision with Mercury retrograde, and we are also in the Third Quarter Moon phase, which is all about taking personal responsibility for the way things are and committing to changing what needs changing in order to bring it into resonance.

This can be very hard work if we are resistant to change.

Maybe today’s mission of “trying a new approach” could be applied to our notions about purpose. White board it. Write PURPOSE on a sheet of paper and write whatever comes to your mind

2 - UNRAVELING FROM 1R - The bindings of 1R are falling off, which can feel like an unraveling. With this, the Venus-Saturn conjunction occurs at 06 Aquarius, “a masked figure performing ritualistic acts in a mystery play.” Masks of the past are coming off, and they are doing so because we no longer need them.

As masks come off en masse, it can seem like the world is unraveling. In fact, it is the old world unraveling, not the new one. The new one stands ready for us to calibrate to its frequency.

What’s the frequency, Kenneth? Truth and love.

The rest unravels.

3 - LESSONS IN ALCHEMY - On Friday, the Sabian symbols for the Earth and Mars are about teaching. The Earth will discharge “a chemist conducts an experiment for his students.” This is one of the degrees that relates to alchemy. This energetic is about applying elements or parts of things in new ways.

Mars is discharging “an old teacher fails to interest his pupils in traditional knowledge.” This one is a bit more tangled because it often means people do not want to hear about things they do not already know. It can prompt cognitive dissonance. People are ready to hear when they are ready to hear. Don’t take it personally. It is just part of the process.

What we can take personally is the “alchemization” of our 2R selves. Right now, this comes in the form of a giant look in the mirror as old coping patterns, worn out beliefs, and self-suppression of any kind are unmasked.

Wise owls are good students and look at what is being shown instead of turning away.

4 - A NEW SPIRAL OF EVOLUTION - Jupiter has moved to one of my favorite degrees. I don’t know why I like it so much, especially since it can indicate hierarchies (not a fan). Jupiter is discharging 12 Aquarius, “people on a vast staircase graduated upwards.” Jupiter at this degree is like the “stairway to heaven.”

This energetic helps us observe objectively, from another viewpoint. There is no sideview, just up or down. This asks us if we are “moving toward” or “moving away.” Jupiter will be discharging this degree through Monday, during which time we will see where we are and where we want to be.

Ok, take away here is the mission: try a new approach. Do something differently. Do something in a way you have never even fathomed. If something is perplexing you, let it be for a while and come back to it. You may return to it with insight in a way you could not have imagined. Much of this is about getting out of the way for 2R to work its mojo.

Hope the rest of the week unmasks great joy for you! See you later this weekend.

Monday, February 8, 2021

“Thaw” taken by Wise Owl Neslin

Moon in Capricorn

Balsamic Moon Phase (release what you do not want to carry into the next cycle)

Tzolkin: 11 Monkey

Theme for the Month: “a woman entering a convent” (build inner strength)

Theme for the Year: “a triangle with wings” (Second Renaissance begins)

MISSION: LOOK FOR A BEACON (a light, a sign, a signal, an indicator)

Today the Sun and Mercury (retrograde) will meet up for an epic conjunction in the sky to kick off to a week of intergalactic fireworks. Here we go!

1 - THE BEACON - The Sun will conjunct Mercury at 8:46 am ET at 21 Aquarius. The Sabian symbol for 21 Aquarius is “a woman, disappointed and disillusioned, courageously facing a seemingly empty life.”

The lower octave of this is, of course, negative thought loops and gloomy outlooks. But that is old world, old paradigm, pre-2R. The old way was disappointed and disillusioned.

There is no reason for that now. The higher octave of this (the 2R version) takes into account that this degree sextiles the Eris Point, 21 Aries — a “Critical Degree.” The Eris Point, as we well know, is the energy of rebirth and renaissance. It upholds the principles of liberty and the pursuit of happiness. People who have the Eris Point or hard aspects to it are concerned with righting wrongs and true social justice. They blaze a trail into new areas of consciousness. They are pioneers.

Eris Point people will find or root out meaning, and thus influence the energetic of 21 Aquarius, “a woman, disappointed and disillusioned, courageously facing a seemingly empty life.” They do not settle for “empty.” Is it because of courage? Or is it just the memory of Home/Oneness/Heaven hailing them, like a beacon? Eris rules beacons (and lighthouses.

Sun-Mercury conjunctions always bring us information and messages. Since this particular Mercury retrograde is like a “Reorganization Retrograde” - today changes up, rearranges, shuffles, reorders, and realigns us with better fits for all kinds of things.

This may not become evident until after Mercury stations direct, but the beacons are there today, just like they were on December 19, 2020, the last time the Sun and Mercury made conjunction before Mercury stationed retrograde. Whatever was happening then has some bearing on what is happening now and what will happen again after Mercury stations direct and conjuncts the Sun once again (on April 18, 2021).

To summarize, things that were in effect December 19 and today will come to new spaces and places April 18. It’s a colossal reorganization because Mercury retrograded in Aquarius for the first time in the Age of Aquarius. Beacons shine with it today.

I have copied the full Oracle Report from December 19 below. There may be something from it that could be helpful today. It was the Eve of The Mystic - Day 9 - and quite an amazing day.

2 - DIZZY CHICKENS - The Earth is discharging “intoxicated chickens dizzily flap their wings trying to fly.” This energetic is happening 180 degrees away from (or in opposition to) the Sun-Mercury conjunction. It can be hard to get things going or complete them when this is in effect.

Miscommunications, travel disruptions, or electronic failures are more likely to happen today because of this energetic and the Sun-Mercury conjunction. Have patience and walk away when you need to. Things reorganize and solutions become more noticeable when we step back and let the dust settle. Let’s be wise owls instead of dizzy chickens.

3 - URANUS SAVES THE DAY - Uranus moves to 08 Taurus today, which is the Sabian symbol of “a sleigh without snow.” Traditionally, this energetic has as much trouble getting on with it as the dizzy chickens do. However, Uranus, in the Age of Aquarius, the Age of its home sign, will create whatever is needed to move things forward. For a sleigh without snow, Uranus just calls up Dasher, Dancer, Donner, and the others to “fuel” the sleigh. See how it works?

Uranus will always surprise us in how it fixes things. The jolt it engenders certainly can shock us into a new perspective, if not a totally different reality/experience of life. Uranian energy does not sit still. It always wants to flow like a current. Force will not work under this today, especially with the Sun-Mercury conjunction.

4 - TORCHES AND SWORDS OF MARS - Mars is discharging 17 Taurus, “a symbolical battle between swords and torches.” In 2R, this energetic takes down that which is not in alignment with light. Darkness cannot exist forever where we are now. It gets called out. Petty tyrant archons that are lingering are burning energy very fast as they try to maintain. The new astrological year begins April 11, 2021, and from then on out, it will be much harder for them to “breathe” (live).

5 - NEW MOON AND VENUS CONJUNCTS JUPITER ON THURSDAY - Thursday, February 11 starts a brand new cycle for us — the Aquarius cycle — and it comes as Venus makes conjunction with Jupiter for the first time since 2R/Age of A began.

My early estimation is the planets in Aquarius are much more potent that they were pre-2R. Saturn just completed conjunction with my Mercury. I would describe that as nothing less than a mind transplant. It was definitely a recalibration.

The cycle of “a woman entering a convent” is ending as the cycle of “a man turning his back on his passions teaches deep wisdom from his experience.” In 2R, we turn our backs on the misguided fears that masked as passions. We move “toward” instead of “away.”

The inner strength built during the cycle of “a woman entering a convent” will be tapped to move us in line with our 2R selves. We will turn from things that no longer serve. Since we are in the Moon phase that characterizes release, if there is something that you want to leave behind mentally or physically, now is a good time to do that. We can work with the energetics in the smoothest way possible. “Turning your back” now on something that is not in your best interests would be the mark of a wise, attuned spiritual warrior.

Remember the mission to look for a beacon of some sort. It could come in a multitude of forms, so we will expand our definition to include anything that catches our attention.

Prepare for incoming messages.



“Rainbow Over Ka’anapali Beach, Maui” taken by Wise Owl Brenda

Moon in Aquarius (moves to Pisces at 7:39 am ET)

Crescent Moon Phase (persevere through challenges)

Tzolkin: 12 Sun

Higher Octaves: taking the best of what’s around and building upon it, music, what is missing is evident, contemplation, integrity, paying attention to what is truly important, being wise, situational awareness

Lower Octaves: denial, noisy, missing the point, paying attention to what is not important and not paying attention to what is important, jealousy, taking all the credit, mental health issues triggered

Theme for the Month: “a bluebird standing at the door of a house” (for the promise of happiness, choose it)

Theme for the Year: “a triangle with wings” (Second Renaissance enters)


What would make a Super “Holy” Day?

The Moon in Pisces?

An “Ahau” or “Sun” day, the highest holy day in the tzolkin, the sacred calendar?

Mercury discharging one of the energetics of the “Rainbow Bridge” - “an old bridge over a beautiful stream in constant use” - before making conjunction with the Sun, on the Ahau/Sun day?

Venus discharging the energetic of “an old owl up in a tree?”

The Black Moon moving into conjunction with Uranus to take down the shadow side of the world (the nwo) and bring humanity into a new world of renaissance?

Lofty Jupiter moving into Aquarius, the sign that rules the highest and best for the fellowship of humanity?

Lofty Jupiter moving into Aquarius at 8:08 am (symbol of the aeon/archangel Sophia) in the time zone of the world’s “melting pot,” New York City, eastern time?

That’s what we have today, and it is a pretty impressive list, don’t you think?

Jupiter’s entry into Aquarius amplifies the themes of Aquarius that have already surfaced with Saturn’s entry in Aquarius Wednesday/Thursday. From Wednesday’s report:

“When Saturn changes signs, there are often Earth effects, but this time Saturn may impact the airwaves, since it is moving in to Aquarius. This would include grids, networks, satellites, wi fi, solar activity, etc.”

The cyberattack event here in the U.S. was unfolding as Saturn was entering Aquarius. Jupiter now joining Saturn adds a great deal of focus (energy) to those “airwaves” themes. More could come to light about the existing cyberattack or a new thing or more disruptions.

It is clear to me that this is a catalyzing event. The question is who really perpetrated it. Russia? Not likely. How do they benefit? China? Yes, but who really pulls China’s strings? The British Empire/The Phoenicians? Was the Queen’s Privy Council and Pilgrim Society the source? Are these the people who have the goods that have compromised SCOTUS CJ and others?

That said, there are two things to keep in mind today.

1 - CHECK THE DETAILS - Today is about what is not seen as much as it is about what is seen. Details are important. What might be missing pieces are important. Higher Powers want us to see the truth of things today. A stream of information is trying to reach us. We are wise to be careful to not overlook anything. Slow down if you need to in order to catch everything.

2 - PROCLAMATIONS - Today we may see some big announcements. Some of the announcements, which may be rather showy, will be false and are intended to distract us. The purpose is not to mislead, but to distract. So we want to look away from any distractions, and go back to what was happening when the distraction was launched.

We will not be surprised if there is a solar flare today with the Mercury-Sun conjunction since the system operates on electromagnetics, and the conjunction discharges the Sun’s energy. If so, this will add more data to the Information/Light Stream of Consciousness today, and we will take a look if it happens. Mercury makes exact conjunction with the Sun at 10:10 pm Eastern.

A Super Holy Day calls for a celebration (of life). How will we do that today, wise owls?

See you tomorrow for Day Ten - the Eve of The Mystic.

March 13, 2021 - New Moon in Pisces

Pisces 2021 New Moon

Saturday, March 13, 2021

05:20 am ET/ 02:20 PT

24 Pisces - “an inhabited island”

Balsamic Cycle (second of two this year)

Tzolkin: 4 Night


We come to the Great End of the Old World with the last cycle of the 2020 Astrological Year. We remember that Balsamic is both a part of endings and a part of beginnings. It is important to understand the difference.

So we live in a different sort of reality when it is a Pisces cycle. This is somewhat removed from the rest of the year. The spiritual impact of the energy is in full effect to release the past and prepare for alignment with a new year - a new growing cycle for us.

There is only thing to do with the closing of 2020. It involves release from trauma. We leave it. It does not carry with us. We can leave it with this cycle and never return. And then we will be in perfect position for the Astrological Year 2021 on April 11, the first full year of 2R - our goal.


There are many different way to understand this symbol. In terms of this time and place, the inhabited island is a place where we can leave all of the baggage, all of the fears, all of the old ideas, all of the old beliefs, and all that we do not want to carry with us into 2R. We jettison them there and then sail away.

Why not?

In a way, the inhabited island is the old world of the empire. It is crowded, over inflated, and raked from fears. Why do we want any part of that? It is a representation of the things we no longer claim. Turn anything you want to leave behind there - all of it - in the “Fall Away Island.”

There is a whole new world emerging, so we will want to sail away from that island and be on the way to a better place at the end of the cycle.


Both of the Sabian symbols with “lamb” are present in the New Moon chart. The other is for Neptune, 21 Pisces, “a little white lamb, a child, and a servant.” This is the sacrificial lamb.

This looks like Biden will be out (either this cycle or next). Only two months after the inauguration and he is already out. They are running amok.

Remember this is an unfolding for the sovereignty of human consciousness. It is not going to happen in one night. It will go rather quickly than we think it will, relatively. This is a place where We The People take up our rights and take down the system. This happens.


When you see violet or purple colors (usually in nature, not always), there will be a message with it. What was going on at the time? What were you thinking about? Try to notice what was going on so that you can attend to the wisdom. This is also present with “white” as well.


What is on your table? This is what you wish? This is a front-load of what you would want to see in your world and in the world over the next year. Venus and Neptune conjunct the New Moon is a very, very special thing. We go into a dream (Neptune) and come out with somebody for everybody (Venus).

It now for us to set up the table. Time to create from visions.


The situations in Syria and the Middle East are the old world globalists still playing their game and could reach into bigger view.


Fleets prove popularity.


Our mind’s eye will be hypnotic as we see what blown in this cycle.


This is a symbol of bringing people together (Resonance Principle) in alignment with what is right for themselves.


As we are leaving the old behind (it can happen in an instant), what we are doing is preparing the biggest new year of our life. Really. What we can infuse into this cycle will go a long way into the future. It is that big. This is the time to load in whatever you want. In a spiritual way, this is far more than the we can believe. It directs us on our course over the next year.

Wise owls, this is the cycle where we prepare to infuse the new year next month. Leave the rest and open for the best.


Venus and Neptune conjunct the New Moon

New Moon sextile Pluto

New Moon square the Nodes

Mercury sextile the Galactic Center

Mars trine Saturn

Chiron sextile Mars

Chiron sextile Saturn

Saturn square Uranus

Friday, March 19, 2021

Today, the Sun is discharging the last degree of Pisces, the end of the zodiac.

This is NOT the New Astrological Year that begins on April 11th. But in my book, it is absolutely about facing forward and letting the past and all of the worry, trauma, and pain move out of 2020. What we are putting into the “field” now is exactly what we are imprinting into the next year.

This is how it works. It takes a little bit of work to prepare soil to be filled with a “seed” or intention or redirection toward a goal. This is the way life evolves. It follows in cycles, with endings and beginnings.

All of the weeds, all of the potential that has been used up, or any thing that needs refining has to be cleared out. Why would we plant in unsuitable soil?

The current cycle is a Balsamic cycle, before the New Astrological Year/New Moon in Aries on April 11th. Balsamic cycles are characteristically Piscean in that they operate like The Fish, going forward and going backward, being in both in the old astrological world and also in the future astrological world. Balsamic cycles can transgress.

If you understand what is happening, it is so very important to command it and take it where it should go. If it no longer serves, then it remains in the past world. The rest carries forward.

You see what can happen if you leave what needs to be left behind (trauma) and what can happen if we carry forward what we want (in 2R). It is powerful.

What else is happening on this Last Day of the Sun at the End of the Zodiac? The Moon conjuncts Mars and makes a square to Mercury. Jupiter is at exact sextile with the Eris Point. All in all, this is a marking point for change.

It is a marking point for “suitable” change to the “soil” that we are preparing for the future.

It is the marking point to free ourselves.

From this, reality follows.

From this, we are able to fully operate within the core energetic of 2R.

We form the future.

When we leave the past behind on this month’s “an inhabited island” theme and sail away, we create the suitable soil for the new creation — the World of the Future.

I know I am on this “leave your trauma behind” particularly hard, but it is a rare opportunity. When else will we have this sort of configuration? Holding on to pain will only just bring us down.

Here we are at the edge of it. A new world. A new reality. What do you envision? What do we envision?

It is time to prepare the soil — from within ourselves — now. Decide what is what and get clear for yourself.

And, when you are ready, then take your wise owl place to welcome the New World.

Much love-


Thursday, March 25 - Friday, March 26, 2021 - Venus Conjuncts Sun

Hello Wise Owl-

We are moving into the conjunction of Venus approaching from behind the Sun, ready to reach around and sling shot forward.

The Ancients were fond of watching Venus. They understood how Venus directed the lives of people, in a micro and macro level. People’s security, confidence, roles within relationships, finances, and creature comforts (what ever kind they had) would go through renovation.

That what the Sun does. It renovates and re-empowers, all for a “new birth.”

All day on Thursday, the conjunction is building, and the exact conjunction is Friday, March 26 at 1:32 am Eastern, to complete on Friday.

Now, we know what kind of time this in the history of humanity. We understand we are leaving behind EVERYTHING that represents the old world, and preparing for the New Astrological Year (April 11) to be what dreams are made of. What we do now, impacts the future.

We are working on that…

If you have been following OR for a while, you know that the Illuminati follow all types of calendars, but that their one “time keeper” is astrological, particularly the calendar set by the Sun and Moon - the New Moons.

New astrological years start when the Sun and Moon make the conjunction in Aries - the first sign. This time keeping does not start when the Sun moves into Aries. It is only when Sun and Moon meet up in Aries.

Few understand this.

The Ancients knew it, and they understood that New Moons carry the “evolutionary cycles” or what we might call “the music of the spheres.” The Ancients knew that the planets have harmonic-electromagnetic properties that stimulate or set up circumstances and situations, and the world is steadily coming to this fact.

“The music of the spheres” — the New Moon in Aries in 2015…the thing that world bring us into recognition of 2020….

“The Music of the Spheres” for Thursday and Friday has Venus and the Sun in conjunction, the conjunction of Mars and the North Node, and the Part of Fortune opposite Pluto. This is a lot for a day, and there is a point to it. It is about messages.


Here are the Sabian symbols for several of the planets that indicate this:

Sun- Venus: “a square brightly lighted on one side”

Earth: “a man watches his ideals taking a concrete form before his inner vision”

Mercury: “in a quiet moment, a creative individual experiences the flow of inspiration”

Saturn: “during a silent hour, a man receives a new inspiration which may change his life”

This is a windfall! What luck!


And then watch the repetition in the field during the Full Moon phase, which starts Sunday, and further elaboration of various issues and situations.

Keep your Animal Speak book handy, refer to various things that you trust, play music, take a walk, sit quietly, and above all, find beauty. You might hear it through an overheard conversation or or maybe someone else is getting a message — and it might be for you, too. It is all there.

This is what the Universe wants us to see, as the time beyond the ages rolls into a new cycle. A major cycle! These are the things we need to see.

That’s the message from here, but if you are not tired of reading, scroll down for a few notes. Also, I have linked the Wisdom Goddess Reference Guide (I love Christine’s painting) on from when it was a Christmas present in 2016. Everything you need to (initially) know about the Mahavidyas is in it.

Oh, yes, Thursday is 4 Owl, and we want to be on our wise owl selves (owls at the Four Angels or Four Winds or Four Directions). Nice!

Much love-



MARS CONJUNCT NORTH NODE - This happens at 14 Gemini, “two people living far apart in telepathic communication,” will bring people together who are in a different time or different space to conquer the distance to map out a future (destiny) or to solve the highest for all.

This also sets up a stage for war (Mars) and the future (the North Node). Things are going that way (Putin’s chart below).

THE PART OF FORTUNE OPPOSITE PLUTO - Ok, I am going to break this one down to the bare bones. This is a 3 arc minute opposition. It’s very strong. This is about nourishment and what provides that, and if it is not there, it will come out. It is about what one’s gives and another receives. This goes both ways. A happier result will come from this.

On the other side, there could be loss of life/home from weather events.

BLACK MOON - is at 18 Taurus, “a woman airing an old bag through a sunny window.” Light enters to leave the trauma on the island (see two last reports)! Let things be aired out.

CHIRON - is at “a crystal gazer,” which is the Sabian for the Full Moon. This means the Full Moon is conjunct Chiron and Venus. This one will be hopping, popping, or something! (I find myself referring to things as “something” for all kinds of things lately. I think it is a Southern thing.)

This will foreshadow the future, no doubt.

This is the last Full Moon of the old world. Let that sink in.

And we are given the gift of KNOWING that whatever we do during the Full Moon phase will absolutely manifest along the lines of Spirit.

This is a CHALLENGE, wise owls!

FROM MY MIND ON JUPITER - Jupiter is discharging 23 Aquarius, “a big bear sitting down and waving all of its paws.” What has Russia, the big bear, tried to point out? Love him or not, what will Putin and the people of Russia do as the nwo encroaches upon Russia?

Probably not goes as the nwo wished (because we are now in 2R).

Do you remember Edgar Cayce saying that Russia would be the great hope of the world? Some of the very last remnants of the ancient Tartarian culture survive in Russia and the surrounding countries..

According to accounts, the Earthlings would have called themselves Tartarians. It was a “global” classification for the people here. Elder people from the Balkans and surrounding countries know that something happened in their history; they do not what it is, as it is more recent for them.

It is a long story but torus technology was in use here. People from other places came here to trade or visit. Marauders came as well. And a war ensued. And it was not that long ago.

Cayce was speaking of Tartarians - the remaining Russians - in my opinion.

Did some of the Tartarians who “left” actually “leave?”

Putin. Did you know that Putin has 10 planets plus the Part of Fortune in aspect to to Eris Point? He even has the subset of Saturn in aspect to the Eris Point, which makes him want to take out archons or join their crowd. He has Mars conjunct the Galactic Center. His Ascendant and Descendant are the Chiron Point. He is a 10 Dog in the tzolkin, which makes him a rescuer or one you want to be rescued from.

Not that anyone gets close enough to pose a danger to him, he is currently in transiting Jupiter opposite his natal Black Moon and Pluto, which can pose health issues and death. This is for three more weeks.

Russian’s military is not what the globalist’s military is. The globalist’s military would certainly make their money and forward their plans.

But what if it doesn’t go the way the nwo think it will?

What if, just like in the American Revolution, certain twists emerge, and lo and behold, tyranny falls?

Tyranny falls.

It does. One way or another.

Food for thought.

2R Question: Frequency and Now

Hello Wise Owl -

I received an email from a longtime wise owl with the subject line “I don’t want a crystal ball; I just want to know how to cope with this energy!.”

I knew what he meant; it was not to disparage me. This is the exact kind of question I wanted to address in a show with Christine and Phoenix, but this will do.

Here is the question:

“…I just lost one of my close friends to a stroke. He was hard-charging business man - multi millionaire self made. We "some of his friends" asked him to enjoy life. He claimed he enjoyed working. I know it was self programming with high goals. He is paralyzed on the left side and he can't speak. He can now swallow, but can't enjoy his life! A vegetable.

Is this the Shuman frequency or we are experiencing the "pulse from central sun?" It is very intense at time. I continue shedding or forgiving all from this life, and past lives that I am aware of. I can't describe all this intensity, but it is draining all energy levels and I am not one to sit or sleep during the day.

I go outside in nature — this is calming. I guess I could move into my back yard?”

Living in this wise owl’s backyard would not be a bad experience because, from the pictures I have seen over the years, it is pretty nice! How much beauty could someone with five planets in Cancer (nurturing) care for? A lot.

What is our wise owl friend expressing?

Loss. He feels he has “lost a friend” and that we are “losing the Battle.”

This is the territory of the Black Moon in Taurus/Scorpio. Remember the Black Moon ALWAYS work on polarities. It always involves both signs - the sign it is in and the opposite sign.

The core fear of the Black Moon in Scorpio is fear of losing. This owl does not have much in Taurus or Scorpio (except a massive Saturn exactly opposite the Chiron Point), but this is in effect for everyone, not just the Taureans and Scorpios.

I am going to get real here. We are going down the shadow side of this question, and then we are come to high above where we started. Ascension. That’s where we aim.

What is happening? We are slam in the midst of the deployment of a hybrid nano-bioweapon with 5G connectivity all inside of us. There is no doubt about this.

It is happening in concert with the “global reset.” It is all about FREQUENCIES - our own personal frequencies (and its DNA) and the frequencies of the electro magnetics.

Compliance with the vaccine is according to free will, but this far beyond that. Who has the vax and who doesn’t is not going to matter because the vax is transmittable. We are ALL being systematically exposed to the nano-bioweapon and 5G takes care of the rest.

What is different is the rate at which someone has the various DNA sequences that have been under siege in a long term endgame. This is not new. For some, they have had many such attacks. How high up on the IBM’s database/target list is how much you have received so far. It is this complicated and it is old hat for the nwo.

The primary things that are happening are miscarriages and menstrual issues (sterility) , stroke, and heart attacks.

If you haven’t been following this as closely, this definitely is sci fi. This is RFID transmissions and the ability to affect these on the cellular level through frequency.

That is what we are dealing with. So in a physical way, we are trying to protect our bodies from things we cannot see with our own eyes. This produces stress on the body, excites the endocrine system, and engages flight or fight, even we aren’t aware of it. It is happening at the level of FREQUENCY.

At the same time, we are dealing with the psychological horror of war.

We can understand why our wise owl friend is trying to make sense of things because we are all there.

Now we are at the bottom of the shadow. Now we reframe and rise.

1 - SIGNALS CAN BE OVERWRITTEN - A more powerful signal will cause less powerful signals to entrain to the stronger signal.

That is what is happening within us and within the energetics of 2R/Schuman Resonance/Pulse from the Galactic Center. All of these things represent what is happening with consciousness and its effect on frequency.

One human’s energy field can go a very long way. We are only beginning to understand this.

2 - WE ARE IN THE FIRST 20 DAYS OF A NEW WORLD/SECOND RENAISSANCE - 20 days. We haven’t even begun to fight. We just completed the Full Moon phase of the “cycle that foretells the future” - a crystal ball! - and haven’t even seen what we have in store.

We always come back to the phases. Judging from the way this Aries has gone, I say we will have another sweep of awakening with the Cancer cycle in July, and much wider awakening with the Sagittarius cycle in December. Venus will station retrograde in mid-December and this will bring everyone to VALUE life.

What is the purpose of being here? FREQUENCY! It is our own frequency that let’s us “lead our chart,” ground the energies, transmit love, perseveres through strife, disrupts darkness, stands its ground, lives from the center point, transforms vortexes, form bonds, and seeks wisdom.

A unification is happening; we just can’t see it yet. The people will speak.

3 - WE CLAIM WILDLY TO LIFE/WE ARE HARD TO KILL - Let’s address our wise owl’s friend. He had a stroke. Maybe it was a regular stroke or maybe a novid stroke.

Coming back from The Land of the Stroke, your friend is still here for a reason. FREQUENCY! He could have slipped out. His frequency was needed.

People who work very hard and tend to be more self sufficient, like anything, follow haplo groups in genetics. They are usually leaders. They seek purpose and meaning. This haplo group is high on the target list. It is because their energy fields are strong enough to affect far and wide.

A person who just has a stroke is not necessarily going to be in the same place they were after the stroke happened. Things come back naturally. He may not recover use of his left side. But then again, he very well may. I couldn’t read, write, or speak and here I am typing three months later. He is there.

4 - KEN/KIN/KENNETH - What’s the frequency, our wise owl friend? Who are you?

If you recall, my “main mission” since the stroke is to remind us to go to God and start walking toward this way. This goes a long way to answering the practice matter of how do I cope with this.

Since this wise owl has almost all of his planets in Cancer and opposite in Capricorn, what is happening with the signs? Mars and Pluto. Mars has just entered Cancer. So now his Jupiter, Mercury, the Nodes, Venus, Uranus, Mars, and Chiron ARE ALL BEING ASPECTED BY MARS.

Mars wants action. It wants to move the energy into productive forms. This is his one opportunity every two years to be stellar. HIs painting, his garden, his family, his friends are a GIFT to the world and an expression of FREQUENCY, if he feels empowered. With Pluto opposite in Capricorn, he may not feel so much like the Warrior Mars. In those times, it is the inner world where he hones his craft of the spiritual warrior he is. He is a powerful and works with other powerful people to affect change.

We need your frequency, wise owl.

Much love-


It's Time Everyone Knew the Illuminati's Code

(AUTHOR’S NOTE: I have tracked the new world order’s plans for 15 years using the Sabian Symbols - the code by which plans and rituals are timed (including 2020’s kickoff for fulfilling the “great work’s” plans). The illuminati use this code for current events time and again. No doom and gloom here. We flip our frequencies to the positive — for We the People. Catch me Monday through Friday for the brief “Space Weather” segment on Patriot Intel Report on Rumble and at to subscribe for full reports.)

What would you say if we uncovered the code that revealed what the illuminati’s plans were and when those plans would be used?

You would not be surprised that the code is ancient — the type that would be uncovered by Indiana Jones.

But the code was not unearthed. It has been hidden in plain sight, and isn’t this the way of the Illuminati?

The code is a number designation of a circle — 360 degrees — with a symbolic “story” that accompanies each degree.

The second piece of the code are the planets in the solar system. Each day, a planet is “activating” one of the 360 degrees.

The code operates on the high level electromagnetics of the “Electric Universe.” Each “frequency” of the 360 degrees is entrained to specific, replicable patterns. Physics has not caught up to this, but the ancient Sabians of Mesopotamia knew all about it.

The code of the “story” that explains each of the 360 frequencies is encoded in symbol. My readers and I have studied this for over 12 years, and we were prepared for the “crisis” in 2020.

Now, the illuminati make no bones, literally, about their plans. They make no deception of their maneuvers; thus, it is time to call out their code.


1 - OIL - On Friday, May 7, 2021, there were two Sabian Symbols in effect that I neglected to mention on my short segment on Patriot Intel Report. I try to keep those to about five sentences. To discuss this would mean going deeper the weeds - but now is the time!

On Friday, the Earth was located at the degree for the Sabian Symbol or “story” of “the Union Jack flies from a new British warship.” As you might guess, when the cabal wants to flex its muscles of imperialism, this is often present.

Mercury happened to be located at the “story” of “workmen drilling for oil.”

On Friday, the “Colonial” pipeline was hacked.

The Union Jack made its mark on oil.

This indicates that the nwo’s plan to destroy the petro dollar will happen between now and by the end of March 2022.

For several years, much speculation as to when this would happen is now revealed by their overt attack during the confluence of both of these symbols. Remember, this could have happened any time but it happened when these two symbols were present on the same day. If they were not going to attack the petro dollar, we would not have seen anything.

2 - PASTELS - According to the code, 2021’s code is the “story” of “a woman in pastel colors carrying a heavy and valuable, but veiled, load.” From my April 30, 2021, report about the president’s “state of the union” address:

“The “women in pastel colors” revealed themselves. I did not watch it, but I saw the pictures and reports. Do an image search and you will find Kamala wearing nothing but black, navy, and grey, much less pastel peach. Nancy was in pastel blue.

Complements, in all regards, the little pillars flanked the “pretendicy.”

No “suffragette white,” no politically correct purple, no Millennial dark pink - just pastels.

Pastels. The things women wear to weddings.

Nancy is the Alpha; Kamala, on the opposite side of the color wheel in orange, is lined up after, in this case.

This is only relevant to see who will be the ones the nwo are pinning things on and who will be rolling out the plans. They have no idea they are the “women in pastel colors carrying a heavy and valuable, yet veiled, load” who are tasked with the “load” that everyone will see.

They plan to loot and rob us, as usual.”

We had two women, in pastel colors, telling us what they plan — to take away what is most valuable to us, in all ways.

These are two examples of how the Code of the Sabian Symbols is manifesting before our eyes.

There is an important thing to mention: THEIR PLANS DO NOT WORK OUT AS THEY ENVISION. The frequency of We the People interferes. This is our focus. We amp our own “frequencies” and take our own stand in individual ways. It is all about liberty for everyone.

The benefit of knowing the code is to better prepare ourselves and maintain the frequency that does not fall victim to their plans. Knowledge is key. Random acts are not so random, after all. We are very much in control of how we handle events that were signaled. Not the nwo.

The code is not difficult. It requires knowledge of the planet’s current degrees and sometimes a little bit of imagination. The “stories” of some of the Sabian Symbols are layered in meaning. But the stories are evident when we see their representations in the world.

It is not magic. It is just a code. All of their plans follow it.

The spell is broken when we understand the game. And when the spell is broken, we are free.

Are you ready to take control of your own “frequency?” Join us!