


"Homefire" - Monday, December 13, 2021

We can expect some shifts in the energy today with Mercury moving into Capricorn and Mars moving into Sagittarius. Our thinking becomes clearer and practical; our energy moves from water to fire — or emotional to active.

1- HOMEFIRE - When Mars flows our energy from water to fire, there is a distinct difference. There are higher and lower octaves. Mars in Scorpio focused our emotions on excitement all the way to depression. Now, Mars in Sagittarius focuses our will on aligning with Higher Good, and the lower octave can take us all the way off path into meaninglessness.

Mars in Sagittarius will oppose the Black Moon in Gemini. The polarity of acceptance and meaningfulness/purpose balances rejection and lies. These types of issues will be stronger over the next eight days as the Sun completes it time in Sagittarius, adding more fire. Today this is more pronounced because the Moon is completing its transit of Aries — Mars’ home sign and a fire sign.

Because Mercury (thinking) and Mars (will) are both changing signs today, this can put us in state of confusion because the change is sharper. Therefore, it may take a little time to adjust. The “sharper change” modifies our perception.

Modification of our perception is exactly what we are having with Venus retrograde even though it is preparing to retrograde and is in its shadow. What happens during the “shadow period” before a retrograde tells us a great deal about what will transpire during the retrograde. With Venus, it is all about values. So we take this information into the mix, knowing that our thinking and will are undergoing perspective shift.

It makes for a good time to go back to the beginning. Why are wise owls engaging in consciousness study? To anchor Second Renaissance.

Second Renaissance is the HOMEFIRES of our souls. Our spirit brings out the “gold of the souls” to create Second Renaissance. It is our WILL combined with our THINKING that manifests it. Second Renaissance happens because we make it so.

Meaning, we do not give up, even when it SEEMS like there is an uphill hill to climb.

2 - VENUS ON PILGRIMAGE - The reason to bring this up is because Venus, fresh off of its conjunction with Pluto (heavy business), is discharging “a mountain pilgrimage.” In the context of the Sabian symbols, this is a reminder of the need to strive further and not give up. It says we have more to learn on our path. It represents an ascension of consciousness.

Do we think we know all parts of our path? Do we think it is all up to us?

We never know all parts of the path, and it is never solely up to us.

Wise owls work for God. We work for the betterment of the human collective. In our “job description,” it says that even when you work for God, it is absolutely ok to feel whatever you are feeling. Astrology makes impressions on us — and that astrology changes daily. When we are honest about our feelings, this is truth. It doesn’t mean the feeling stays around longer because we acknowledge it. It means we are taking a practical assessment.

We don’t have to know everything now. The astrology is laid out, and for many months, I have covered the time we are in. But there is more happening. There is MORE SPIRITUALITY happening. The bottom line to all of the feelings, no matter what they are, is to never give up on the mission: moving forward into Second Renaissance. We are undeterred.

Let’s remember.