


"Pioneering Unicorns and Rainbows" - Tuesday, May 31, 2022

We continue on with the “month of displays and opportunities” with the Sabian symbols at the New Moon in Gemini of “an airplane performing a nosedive” and the Earth at “a theatrical representation of “a golden-haired goddess of opportunity.’”

From today’s Space Weather on PIR:

Today is a day for pioneers of the spirit! We break away from what is familiar and enter into new thoughts, ideas, or anything that the Goddess of Opportunity reveals.

Venus comes to "the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow," and we see what has a certain sparkle or shine because the inner planets are spotlighting what is important. The only obstacle for pioneers today (and most days) is the fear of the unknown -- which is actually "growing pains" that we sometimes mislabel.

Financial markets may zig zag today.

Pioneers don't rely on what is already known and established. We trailblaze a new way out of the old world unencumbered.

Venus is discharging the Chiron Point (the place in they sky where Chiron was discovered), which brings a myriad of possibilities because Chiron is The Renaissance Man. We have light with this! Do you see the light in these symbols?

SUN: “newly opened lands offer the pioneer new opportunities for experience”

EARTH: “the lamp of physical enlightenment at the left temple”

VENUS: “the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow”

MARS: “a square brightly lighted on one side”

With Venus at the Chiron Point and all of these symbols, let’s twist the “wounded healer and teacher” toward the healing element. In fact, let’s take it a step further. Create something in your mind or create it in real life. Chiron rules “creative integration.” It wants to link our inner thoughts to the outside world so everyone can benefit.

The Goddess of Opportunity — Venus — is opening pathways. When Mercury stations direct on June 2nd, more of the opportunities will be visible.

And…it is 7 Star - lucky star. Lucky us.