"Catalysts" - Tuesday, January 18, 2022
/Here are the themes for today:
1 - CATALYSTS - Something is happening today to form the future. Things are being put in motion that will cause a chain reaction later. Things things will begin to materialize after Venus stations direct on January 29 and with the New Moon in Aquarius on February 1. Pay attention to signs and symbols, especially animal sightings. These are important clues today. (The Sun at “a woman reading tea leaves.”)
2 - FADELESS - What is shining? What is showing you that something has much more color or life than you thought it did? Elements of life have faded away, but some things are looking brand new, revived, and spiffy. (Venus at “an ancient bas-relief carved in granite remains a witness to a long-forgotten culture.”)
3 - PROOF OF LIFE - Mercury and Mars are discharging symbols of “flags.” Mercury is discharging “a flag is seen turning into an eagle;” Mars is discharging “a flag-bearer in battle.” Today is 4 Eagle in the Sacred Count. We do not need to prove ourselves. We stand for what we believe — our “flags” and ideals.
4 - A MUSE - The Earth is discharging “a Greek muse weighing newborn twins in golden scales.” The muse is pressed into a decision or judgment, and finds that the twins are the same. Decisions or judgments may be telling you that a situation is equal and that the options lead back to the same result. This symbol also brings creative inspiration for something new.
Wishing you a happy 4 Eagle.