


"The Philosopher's Mind" - Friday, October 22, 2021

Hello Wise Owls —

Sometimes when I write Space Weather for PIR, the Mahavidyas step in with a message they want to deliver. This happened today.

The Sabian symbols in effect today all revolved around Venus. Venus is discharging “an Easter sunrise service.” Repeating the theme of the Sun at the New Moon (“in the heat of the noon, a man takes a siesta”), Venus is highlighting Christ’s rebirth. The Mahavidyas are highlighting an opportunity to come out of doubt and despair.

The way they suggest we come out of doubt and despair is to identify three things that we value and translate those into concrete acts of random acts of kindness. Enduring values are best expressed simply.

Recognizing the achievements or efforts of others, paying the way forward in the drive through line, active listening to what others are trying to say, small ways to help someone out, showing gratitude to someone, and providing comfort are some of the ways this can happen.

The idea is to take abstract realities that are in our minds and make something real of them.

This reinforces the strength of the fellowship of humanity and the strength of our unwavering faith in what is good.

Today let’s bring out what we already know — that truth and love prevail.

Much love —


From today’s Space Weather:

The Sun spends its last day in Libra at "three mounds of knowledge on a philosopher's head." Given the other energetics of Mars squaring Pluto and the Moon squaring Jupiter, we are asked to reflect. What three things reflect the "enduring values" of you? These things require nurturance or attention from us today. How can you bring those things from their abstract reality into something concrete? How can you show what you value? Perhaps they can be combined and reflected into random acts of kindness that shows our unwavering faith and value in the fellowship of humanity.