Monday, October 14, 2019
/Full Moon Phase: full light for clarity
Moon in Aries/Taurus 12:24 pm EST/4:24 pm UTC
Skill: be like the wise owl in the tree peering out/observing AND be the tree that is strongly grounded
True Alignments/Higher Octaves: revitalization, simple acts of kindness, light-hearted, fulfilling potential, protection, relatable, engaging willpower, openness, window of opportunity, seeing the blessings that are already present, reflection
Catalysts for Change/Lower Octaves: a need for revitalization, condescending, too serious to see, trouble coping with everyday problems, sacrificing self to please others, insincerity, rigid thinking, moody, losing track
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: 16 Aries - “fairies dancing in the setting Sun” (the beginning of the end of the nwo; the beginning of Second Renaissance)
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: 06 Libra - “a man watches his ideals taking a concrete form before his inner vision” (manifestation of intentions; hopes and dreams come to life)
Well, now that was quite a week and quite a Full Moon! The energy will now begin to wane in intensity. This does not mean that things are not intense (they always are throughout October), but our responses are more calm and measured.
And we have fabulous energetics today. The Earth brings us to 22 Aries, “the gate to the garden of all fulfilled desires.” This is the energetic that follows the Eris Point, which is “a boxer entering the ring.” After being bounced around in the “boxing ring,” we come to a place - THE PLACE - where we open the door to what we truly desire. It is ok to ask for what we want; in fact, it is essential in the process of self-fulfillment.
Spiritually-minded people are accustomed to following the course of the Universe, and we often forget that our WILL and DESIRE are the catalysts for self-actualization. We forget that we are powerful.
The Will of the People is being heard around the world. This is occurring because we want to live our inalienable rights, which includes the pursuit of happiness.
Happiness and intention are actually recurring themes in today’s energetics. Mercury, which is beginning a square to Neptune and the Black Moon, is discharging two degrees of the zodiac today: “children playing around five mounds of sand” (fulfilling potential) and “a girl’s face breaking into a smile” (choosing happiness),
The theme of INNOCENCE is also strong with planets discharging symbols referencing children. Mercury with the children playing, Mercury with the girl’s face, and the Sun with “a child giving birds a drink at a fountain.” Children are good at seeking nourishment - nourishment for the body and the soul. So today, we are to be as like a child.
And, further enhancing the “be as like a child” energetic, the Moon will conjunct Uranus at 10:27 pm EST/2:27 am UTC, as Uranus transits closer to the Chiron Point. Chiron rules the inner child.
Many people have a wounded inner child, which tends to cut us off from our true desires and from knowing what makes us happy. When someone asks, “What did you like to do as a child?” some have no idea because “childhood” did not exist, so to speak. Uranus’ transit through the early degrees of Taurus is remedying this. The task for those with a wounded inner child is to bring the unexpressed child “forward” in an adult way. It means trying lots of things until you hone in on what is fun. Remember fun?
We need to identify hopes, wishes, and dreams in order to get to the gate that fulfills all of those things.
This is getting a little complicated, which is the opposite of what today is about. Simplicity and reflection are called for, especially with Venus discharging 08 Scorpio, “the Moon shining across a lake.” Ah, the calm that comes with this energetic. (People who carry this energetic in their natal charts, i.e. in their personal frequencies, are so chill and lovely to be around. They are like a breath of fresh air.)
The only hiccup in the mix today is Mars continuing its discharge of 07 Libra, “a woman feeding chickens and protecting them from the hawks.” On the one hand, we have a repeat of the theme of nurturance, but on the other hand, we have war hawks. And it’s with Turkey, the country, not chickens! Turkey’s invasion of Syria on the day of the Aries Full Moon/Eris Point Full Moon, is the opening of a larger theatre. Not unexpected if you caught my audio report for the Full Moon.
Much of what we discussed in that recording came to light, huh? How about that “two men being arrested” element? The data continues to show, over and over, that the Illuminati leaders of the cabal use the Sabian symbols as their playbook. It appears that the deep state is trying to fulfill Biblical prophecy regarding Damascus. (Phoenix over at Patriot Intel Report is the expert on this subject.)
As far as the so-called “deep state” goes, they are not as deep as we might think. There are a couple of thousand of these minions, at best. We the People are legion. We are millions deep. And the People are speaking.
Consider the words of a wise owl who was essentially trapped in her hotel in the capital of Ecuador, as she witnessed, in true wise owl form, the protests against the corrupt government raging outside last week:
“If a land, is not for its people
Then, for whom is it?
Is life not the breath of all souls
Together as one?
On the surface, most things are not
As they appear.
However, if we can open our hearts
And feed those who put us in power
Then, here we have a chance
To actually achieve something
Much greater
Than ourselves.
The truth
Can never be withheld
Nor repressed -
Like a lion, it will
And always
Does - roar.
Best we open our hearts
And connect our minds
With our soul
To love
Everyday more
And more.
Indeed. Our girl made it home and is safe and sound. We salute you, brave and wise owl!
Open YOUR gate, wise owl. Open it far and wide into the garden of all of your desires so that they may be fulfilled and so that we may manifest The People’s Renaissance.