


Thursday, June 4, 2015

Full Moon Phase: revelations, shadows

Moon in Capricorn

Goddess of Wisdom: Tara (Goddess Who Guides)

God of Will: Ian (God of The East)

Skill: recognize transformation

Catalysts for Change: trying the bind or control, narrow vision, not making sense, communication barriers, afraid to take action or a leap of faith, repeating behavior patterns, energy drains, headaches, elitism

True Alignments: signs/messages/clues (especially from the past), changing a behavior pattern, the old-fashioned way, foreshadowing the future, sophisticated analysis, overcoming barriers, dependability, standing up for something, recognizing self-worth

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: "a mature woman reawakened to romance"

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the music of the spheres"

The Full Moon phase continues today, continuing the themes of revelations, revisions, and results.  Recall that the energetic of "a flag that turns into an eagle that crows" characterizes this Full Moon phase.

If you haven't had a revelation, revision, or result this phase, you may today.  Energetics in place today focus somewhat on the past -- on personal and collective histories.  Clarity about a situation comes from looking at what happened in the past and acting in accordance with the wisdom gained from experience.  If you find yourself in a situation or circumstance that seems like Ground Hog Day (repeating over and over again), mentally jump out of it and engage the wisdom of your experience.

Changes and transformations are strongly in effect today.  Minds, conditions, and feelings can change radically.  The overall energetics today are so full of change that it may be jarring.  Both the Black Moon and Pluto will move to different degrees in the sky and thus disseminate new energetics.  The "changing of the guard" happens fast.  The Black Moon will change degrees at 7:10 pm ET and Pluto will change degrees just four hours later at 11:06 pm ET.  The Moon will be conjunct (conjoined or at the same place in the sky) Pluto at this time.  There is potential for high drama.

The Black Moon moves to the degree of "a royal coat of arms enriched by precious stones."  It symbolizes ancestry and pride in one's lineage, but it also symbolizes the old system of royals and banksters.  This is interesting today as Venus is at the degree of "a daughter of the American Revolution."  Venus and the Black Moon are sisters in a sense, and they bring as much resolution as they do revolution to matters.  We will see how this plays out today.  The Black Moon will discharge the energy of this degree until June 13, 2015.

Pluto moves back to the degree of "in a hospital, a children's ward filled with toys."  This energy brings healing and brightens spirits.  Pluto is retrograde, and we've experienced this energetic before.  Situations that were in place between January 26 and March 1, 2015 may return for revision or evolution while Pluto is at this degree until July 17, 2015.  We will see how this energetic has changed in fifth dimensional consciousness.

Today may feel destabilizing, but a better description is "re-stabilizing" because the energy is actually trying to bring everything into alignment with what is better. It's a return to the natural balance of mind, body, spirit, and planet.  Things are trying to be "straightened up."  If things are far afield, the strike of balance may be severe.  In all that happens today, we recognize transformation.

The flags or ideals of greatness of wise owls continues to fly high under the light of the Full Moon.

(Note:  In an effort to once again try to resolve interference with scheduling readings, the old-fashioned way is going to work best to make it happen.  Please call the number listed on the Readings page so we can proceed.  Going back to the old-fashioned way (of actually talking with a person!) when telecoms aren't serving is a trend we will see develop in 5D.  We persevere.)