


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Third Quarter Moon Phase: take responsibility

Moon in Cancer

Ruling Mahavidya: Shodashi (Goddess Who Fulfills Highest Desire) and Matangi (Goddess of the Wind)

Skill: be thoughtful and cautious; show the love

Negative Imprint: control, anger, impulsivity, domination, showing off, unsupportive, unloving acts, fights, war

Positive Imprint: diversifying, mastery, courage, self-control, small tokens/shows of appreciation and love, respect, hope

An influx from Sabaoth the Sun continues today with an incoming coronal mass ejection from a magnetic filament that erupted near the center of the Sun four days ago.  I have not been able to locate information on the time of the eruption to read the energetics of the emission, so we wil focus on the energetics in place today.

Mercury (communication, messages) conjuncts the North Node (destiny) and Eris (rebirth) at the Eris Point today.  People will respond to this in different ways.  The lowest octave of this energy causes verbal outbursts, arguments, miscommunications. and saying things before we know it.  Usually these are things that need to be said, but light can be blinding, and people recoil.  Be cautious and thoughtful.  Impulsive action with forward planning is not recommended.  Self-control is vital.

The highest octave of the energy brings us information that aligns us with our destiny and brings us toward wholeness.  The Mahavidya Shodashi will be hard at work utilizing these energetic signatures to draw us into closer alignment with what is in the best interests of the course of our lives.

Today, renewed hope is available by giving reverance and respect to tasks and routines.  Everyday activities can be a source of strength and grounding when energies are strong, as they are now and have been for a couple of weeks.  Think of the mundane tasks of daily life in a different way - with gratitude for the security they bring.

There is a delicate undercurrent to the strong conflicts that can dominate today.  It is found by taking loving care.  Small actions reverberate along Shodashi's waves through the field of humanity.  What we do for one, we do for all.  Let's show the love today.

(The primary "battle" with darkness does not take place outside the self in the external world.  It takes place inside of ourselves through the inner planes of time-space.  WIth that, it is a happy day for me to share with the parliament of wise owls across the world a magnificent act of power - a novel brought forth for the Second Renaissance, the Return of Wisdom, by wise owl Sol Luckman.  In terms of what wise owls find fun, get ready for the ride of a lifetime.  You won't want to stop.

Here's Oracle Report Facebook Administrator Andrew's review of Snooze: A Story of Awakening from

"I came across a review of Snooze posted on Facebook last Thursday, and, having nothing else in the queue, bought the e-version and started reading. 3 late nights later (sorry kids for being somewhat absent for Labor Day weekend) I am transformed.

One of the greatest parts of fiction in my world is when an author seamlessly blends the science and the story together into a new and Amazing world that I would love to enter myself. And for all of us "pseudo-scientists" for whom noetics is old hat, to see our theories brought to life warms the heart and the soul.

As a story-teller, I am so glad to meet you Sol Luckman. Your use of character dialog to explain the complexities of time-space succeeds where the academic descriptions lose 99% of the audience. What was it that Einstein said? "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."

Read more at and at, Sol's site: