Tuesday, April 29, 2014
/New Moon Phase/Solar Eclipse: beginnings
Moon in Taurus
Ruling Mahavidya: Tara and Bhuvaneshvari
Skill: reinforce intentions for the year
Negative Imprint: overwhelmed, going in a million directions
Positive Imprint: calm focus on patterns
The New Moon in Taurus/Solar Eclipse begins today at the degree of "a red cross nurse."
Pause for a moment and take time to check how you respond to this image. What is the first thing you think of with "a red cross nurse?" What kind of imagery accompanies it in your mind's eye? Our individual response to the symbol says a great deal about what this energy will be like for us over the next month.
As a whole, this month we are crossing new boundaries with a heavy load, using different lenses of perception. After we hear a wake-up call, a call to action, or a call to devotion, we observe the patterns and themes of the energy and ultimately unite with our spiritual comrades. The entire month's energy intends a "nexusing" of people - putting people together, putting people in the places they need to be, and connecting/reconnecting people who have work to do together (including work at the level of the soul).
If you divide the year into eight equal segments to represent the eight phases of the Moon, this month is a second New Moon phase. This means we get double the opportunity to plant the seeds of desire, wishes, and intentions that will progress over the next eleven months. Have the seeds you inserted into the field of consciousness during the Aries lunar month undergone a transformation since you set them in motion? Are they more refined or defined now? The wisdom that we gained over the last month is applied to those intentions, maturing them. You can add to them or subtract from them now. The universe is giving us an opportunity to make changes or modifications.
Mercury is conjunct this New Moon and Neptune is sextile to it. Whereas last month was all about changes (and these changes will unfold for a year), this month is about communication, information, messages, and thought processes of a spiritual nature.
As the energy enters today, think about the red cross nurse and how the symbolism applies to you. Do you need a red cross nurse? Are you one? Keep in mind that the symbol does not say that the red cross nurse is on the field attending to wounded. The symbol states only the noun "a red cross nurse."
I like the idea of everyone getting an opportunity to think about what this symbol implies for each of us before I launch into a full explanation. I will discuss this month's energy and how it ties in with the Aries New Moon and update according to what I wrote in the pre-Aries New Moon article "Mars, Eris, and the Perfect Storm or Why the Illuminati are Poised to Strike and Why They Will Fail." Signs from the Aries New Moon are boding very, very well for us as we continue to co-create within the dreaming of Gaia Sophia.
Do the New Moon thing and light a candle or perform a ceremony to restate your intentions, goals, wishes, and dreams for the year. Remember to do this for your personal life and for the collective of humanity. Happy New Moon, wise owls!
(P.S. Just a note that I will be returning to Janet Hickox's show "Living Astrology" this Thursday night at 7:00 pm ET/4:00 pm PT for Part 2 of the Black Moon in Leo. It's always a fun time on Janet's show.)