Friday, April 18, 2014
/Disseminating Moon Phase: share, communicate, teach
Moon in Sagittarius
Ruling Mahavidya: Chinnamasta and Kali
Skill: think before speaking
Negative Imprint: attacking
Positive Imprint: supporting
Mercury moves to the Eris Point today, bringing the tendency to say things before thinking. Usually these are things that have been bubbling under the surface and need to be said or they are things that we can no longer tolerate. The energy prompts us to think about freeing ourselves from something. Eris energy gets to the core of what's wrong and attempts to rectify the matter. It can get rather dramatic. The best guidance is to keep respect and dignity in mind. Are you attacking or defending? Keep in mind that we are easily annoyed today, and give things space before acting out.
People will use the power of words to dominate others. These people feel challenged and threatened by other people's talents, skills, and strengths.
There is a tendency to feel older than one's years today. We can tempted to question our relevance. The wisdom gained from experience is a very important element that is needed during these times.
Also, concern with outer appearances and image are heightened today. What's important is what is beyond the surface.
The theme of the safety and comfort of home (and the lack of those things) is strong today. We are seeking the feeling of home. In reality, it does not matter where we are, we are always home because we are always attached to Gaia Sophia. Keep it real and keep your heart focused on nature. This is how we maintain sanity.
(The effects of Venus' conjunction with Chiron begin in earnest tomorrow and build toward Monday, so be sure to check back for the weekend report.)