Thursday, April 10, 2014
/First Quarter Moon Phase: act, express, step out, break away, grow
Moon in Leo/Virgo
Ruling Mahavidya: Chinnamasta and Kali
Skill: "hold the line, purify the mind"
Negative Imprint: half empty
Positive Imprint: half full
Attention! Wise owls are called upon to use their skills to maintain a positive balance to the energy today. The predominant energy tempts us into feeling disappointed, unrecognized, frustrated, and defeated. We are going to flip this energy upside down.
The key to doing so lies in seeing the glass half full as opposed to half empty. We easily see what is lacking, but are we minimizing or dismissing what we already have and what we already are? Focus on what is already available and build from there. Adjust your expectations if necessary.
Don't be fooled into thinking things will never be better. This is a trick.
If you set an "intention" for the new year back at the New Moon on March 30, today you will want to re-dedicate that intention in some way. Re-state the intention, reinforce it with another meditation, or reform it if needed. The universe opens to receive our will. Take advantage of the opportunity.
Strong feelings of nationalism can arise with today's energy. The positive angle to this is the protection of higher ideals, not dedication to falsity.
We are co-creating with the Divine Sophia, the goddess embodied as our planet, to make our world and our lives in line with natural world order. Today, be part of this parliament of wise owl spiritual warriors. Stand up and be counted. Remain in line in defense of all that upholds freedom and beauty. We are formidable and will not be led astray today.