


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Gibbous Moon Phase:  trust, analyze, prepare, magic

Moon in Leo

From yesterday's report:

"The Moon creeps up on the Black Moon for their first conjunction of the Black Moon's transit through Leo.  The exact conjunction happens late tonight, but the energy will build all day."

Well, that may be the biggest understatement in Oracle Report history.  The fiery energy erupted between 9 pm and midnight EST, when the Moon made the exact conjunction with the Black Moon.  Shadow sides revealed themselves, as well as the true nature of certain things.  Lots of anger surfaced.  Venus' close opposition made relationships the primary area where issues related to position and status (as in who comes first in people's lives) are focused.  The Black Moon in Leo brings issues with order (where people/things fit/belong) and disorder (where people/things don't fit/belong), changes (especially changes in status), and selfishness.  To a lesser degree than yesterday but still significantly, the energy remains in effect today as the Moon continues to move through Leo.  It certainly is crafting events to bring us illumination about something.

As this energy signature takes its toll on our own energy, we begin to understand why we needed to stand in place and build our reserves last month.  We have a couple of more intense days this month, but not like yesterday.  That was a unique beast.  We aren't using up all of our reserves.  The primary need comes next month.

Other energetic signatures today include:

- the veils between the worlds being as thin as vapor.  The position of the Sun brings us into closer communion with loved ones who have crossed over, messages from guides and helpers, and magnificent inspiration.

- newness.  New ideas, new methods, new directions come to us.

-mysteries.  Are you on a pilgrimage to solve something mysterious or elusive?

- fakery.

-the need to be careful about how much one reveals to others, especially those who are strangers.

-the potential for distortion, particularly distortion of the truth (and truth about your abilities).

- frustration with physical/health limitations.  Try to apply balance and avoid being harsh with yourself.

- concerns over how well people and things are functioning. 

- impulsivity and riskiness without fully thinking through to the results, effects, or consequences.


Gibbous Moon phase is one of the two magical Moon phases (Balsamic is the other).  But we are in the time of year that is like a month-long Balsamic phase, so we are getting a double dose of magic.  It's a primo opportunity for creating works of art; art in this sense includes music, painting, designing, writing, etc. - anything that is created.  Let's make some magic of our own (like this stellar photo of the sunrise over San Francisco Bay taken by wise owl Lawrence.  What a treat!)

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