


Monday, July 11, 2016

Crescent Moon Phase/First Quarter Moon Phase 8:53 pm ET/00:53 am UT

Moon in Libra

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Dhumavati, Goddess Who Sorts and Winnows; Bhairavi, Goddess Who Fortifies the Heart; Kamala, Goddess of the Lotus

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Kathe, God of the South

Skill:  connect with the inner voice; unification, see deeper or greater meaning

True Alignments: layering or going through things in layers, ease, creative containment of emotions, background messages, signs and synchronicities, pleasant and pleasure, recognition satisfaction of needs, truth

Catalysts for Change:   perfectionism, masquerading, giving up or retreating, clichés, uncommitted, disregard/inconsiderate of the feelings of others, ungrounded or unmoored, taking all of the credit, narrow-minded, overpowered, denial, false flags

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month:  "a very old man facing a vast space to the northeast" (facing, face offs, tapping into The Creative Void, casting)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the magic carpet of Oriental imagery" (transcending worries/the past/the control paradigm)

Well where were we when we were so rudely interrupted?

We were beginning the Crescent Moon phase, the time of perseverance.  During that Moon phase, the collective of humanity persevered through the beginning of the Archons pulling multiple trauma triggers (emotional, mental, and physical responses), which we could call "casting spells."  The dark magicians are hard at work at their evil chess game.

However, all of that is about to change today because:

1 - Mars finally moves to a new degree, beginning to discharge 25 Scorpio and the energetic of "an x-ray photograph" (seeing and understanding at a deeper level/seeing right through/penetrating something/insight/truth).  Mars has been discharging the energetic of 24 Scorpio, "crowds coming down the mountain to listen to one inspired man," since June 18 - a very long time for Mars to be at one degree because it slowed, stopped, and then started again at that degree (when it stationed direct there).  What was inspired then now has the power of x-rays, which are a massive amount of light.

2 - We now begin the First Quarter Moon phase time of stepping out of the past (or old cycles) and taking action.  This entire lunar month is like a month-like First Quarter phase (based on the cycle of the Sun).  It is the first of two months that are like month-long First Quarter Moon phases.  This means that we will have double the opportunity for tremendous change/shift out of the box or out of restrictions of the past.  We step out of our comfort zones.  First Quarter energetics move things.  It is a time of activity.  It is a time of green lights, or going ahead.

3 - We connect with our "inner voice" - the voice that tells us - with the Sun discharging the energetic frequency of "Venetian gondoliers in a serenade," the Earth that of "a hidden choir singing during a religious service," and Mercury of "a daughter of the American Revolution."  All of these involve the inner voice.  They also involve unseen assistance from higher realms and motivations of love. 

Things that occurred or developed between January 9 and February 7, 2016, are re-activated or brought forward or brought to light today (this was the Sabian symbol for the Capricorn lunar month, so themes and intentions from that time repeat).

4 - Mercury at "a daughter of the American Revolution" is making a square to Uranus today, the planet that "rules" revolution and change.  Uranus is at "a double promise reveals its inner and outer meanings," bringing out truth.  Truth is "ruled" by the planet Eris, which rules the sign of Libra, the sign that the Moon is transiting (moving through) today.  This is particularly in effect between 6:51 pm - 9:51 pm ET/10:51 pm - 2:51 am UT, when the Moon opposes the Eris Point.  The Eris energetic is the energetic that the Illuminati minions (neophytes in the ways of energy, capable only of mimicking the past) use for dirty deeds.  This is a significant juxtaposition of energies today.  It's future-shaping on a vast scale.  (Take extra caution while traveling or driving today, as this energetic incites reckless action and accidents.)

5- Last but not least on the list of why the chess game changes today comes about from the "move" or "play" of the Illuminati being revealed right here: 

The cabal will sacrifice a "queen."  The question is which queen (and is the queen a woman or a man)? 

This is the play; how many moves ahead, is open, but highlighted this month and during the Libra lunar cycle (September 30 - October 29, 2016).

The primary personal message today is to connect with and be guided by your inner voice and the truths that are being revealed to you. 

The primary collective message today is to unite our voices in support of truth and love.  Wise owls know that truth and love prevails.  What looks and feels like breakdown and devastation is actually rebirth -- renaissance.  The old way (control paradigm) is being winnowed away, churned to dust under the force of its own weight and the power of higher forces, which seem hidden, but are actually right alongside of us.  Legions, in fact.

We step out of the trauma response being triggered by the spells of insane magicians, remembering that the "Mother of the Human Revolution" is Sophia.  She is fully awake and empowered, collaborating with us to change the course of our personal and collective destinies.  It's in play.

"Wings Around the World" group meditation planned for July 15.

(Notes:  Over the weekend, Andrew was hospitalized.  He is ok, and hopefully will be discharged tomorrow.  Many thanks to wise owls sending love and light for his speedy recovery. 

Audio recording capability is still being restored, and will hopefully be rectified today with the "voice" energies in effect.

We persevere; we unite; we win

Sophia acousome.  Wisdom let us attend.)