


Thursday, March 10, 2016

New Moon Phase: begin anew, set wish or intention

Moon in Aries

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Dhumavati, Goddess Who Sorts and Winnows

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Seth, God of the North, God of Enlightenment

Skill:  gain information and wisdom from the multiplicity of the day

True Alignments: ability to go the distance, cooperation, team building efforts, understanding the nature of giving and receiving, back to basics, blossoming of new creative ideas, getting on board with something fun and exciting, mutual benefit, seeing far ahead, transformation, speaking up, the joy of being alive

Catalysts for Change:  using or taking advantage, untruthful, bossing others around, strict (as in restricting), unable to perceive nuances or read body language, deconstructing someone's hopes and wishes, incompatible, wasting, heightened fears about the future, diverted into dangerous territory, manipulation through pity, stirring up trouble

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month:  "a table set for an evening meal" (setting things in place, returning "home," readiness)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the music of the spheres" (recalibration of consciousness)

We have a changeable day on tap today, with multiple astrological aspects and multiple planets moving to different degrees in the sky.  Multiplicity is the keyword today.  Multiplicity brings opportunities.

Though the exact times of activation are listed below, these themes follow waves of energy, so they disperse throughout the day.

10:34 am ET/3:34 pm UT: COMING DOWN THE MOUNTAIN - Chiron moves to the 22nd degree of Pisces and the Sabian symbol of "a prophet bringing down the law from Mt. Sinai."  This energetic brings revelations, particularly about what is real or true.  We see some shade of things to come/what is coming down.  With this, we often say "enough is enough."  This energy wants to set things straight and draw the line.

11:06 am ET/4:06 pm UT:  NEW OUTLOOKS OR BEGINNINGS, LIFTING ONE'S VOICE, OR STANDING UP FOR SELF - The Black Moon moves to the 23rd degree of Libra and "a chanticleer's (rooster's) voice heralds the rising Sun with exuberant tones."  Under this energetic, people, places, and things make themselves known.  This is exciting energy, one that is filled with the anticipation of what is possible.  "Heralding" means to announce or initiate something new or the dawn of something new.  How is Second Renaissance heralded to us today?

2:01 pm ET/7:01 pm UT: SEEKING ANSWERS AND POTENTIALLY GETTING IN OVER OUR HEADS - Jupiter, which is retrograde, moves to the 18th degree of Virgo and "two girls playing with a Ouija board."  The energetic naturally prompts us to learn something or get an answer, but it may not be what we thought it was, and it may be a flat out trick or deception.  We tend to give over our power to others or the outside world when this energetic is in play.  Decisions can be challenging.  Jupiter expands, so things can be taken to the extreme.  Things we had not considered or recognized can overtake us quickly.  This energy actually calls for inner wisdom and following one's own guidance and intuition.  It also shows areas that need to be strengthened (through showing what is weak).

8:44 pm ET/1:44 am UT: THE ROAD AHEAD IS REVEALED - The Moon will conjunct Uranus at "the magic carpet of Oriental imagery."  This is the primary energetic for the next solar-lunar year (beginning on April 7, 2016) because it is the Sabian symbol for the Aries New Moon.  Aries New Moons set the tone for the year.  Today foreshadows the next year, so take special note of the circumstances and situations that occur for you today.  (Who needs a Ouija board when we have the Sabian symbols?)

FRIDAY, 00:57 am ET/5:57 am UT: USING THE INNER COMPASS TO RISE ABOVE CHALLENGES - Overnight, Mercury makes conjunction with Neptune at "an aviator in the clouds."  Once again, the energy for rising above the fray is in store.  Since Mercury is involved, the aviator is trying to deliver a message.  The message may have a hard time reaching us, since there is cloud cover.  It's actually just shadows and perceptions of fear.  While the Moon remains in Aries, we remain in a "Black Moon Day," when deep emotions are stirred up so that we do not have to leak our power away through our fears.  As aviators today, we use the instrument of Spirit to navigate through what clouds our vision.

FRIDAY, 1:59 am ET/6:59 am UT - REBIRTH AND REVOLUTION - The Moon will oppose the Black Moon at this time, once again activating the "chanticleer's (rooster's) voice heralds the rising Sun with exuberant tones."  It will be very interesting to see what develops today and tomorrow.

There is a lot of information here, and not all of it will apply to everyone.  Take what you can from the multiplicity of today.

P.S. The Survey Monkey to add your playlist to the Year of the Music of the Spheres is reposted below by special request.  Add yours here: