


Tuesday, May 26, 2015

First Quarter Moon Phase: step out, take action

Moon in Virgo

Goddess of Wisdom: Tara (Goddess Who Guides)

God of Will: Ian (God of The East)

Skill: come together

Catalysts for Change: difficulty expressing true feelings, fear of moving forward, creating barriers, melodrama, over-doing, more energy expended than is returning, refusing to cooperate with others, over-competitive, showing off

True Alignments:  pioneering, expressing true feelings, people coming together in a mission or project or the coming together of a mission or project, pursuit and perseverance, fun, disempowerment of negativity and stopping negativity from getting through, going deep, cooperation, teamwork

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: "a mature woman reawakened to romance"

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the music of the spheres"

Today, voices unite, teams form, and games begin. 

A series of astrological events progresses today to continue the alignment of people, places, and things.  Energy is moving into different areas, empowering them, straightening them out, and bringing them into a better course.

This happens today under the umbrella of the Moon's conjunction with the Black Moon, making this a "Black Moon Day."  But before the Moon meets up with the Black Moon at 9:25 pm ET/1:25 am UT, the Black Moon will move to the 21st degree of Virgo and the energy of "a girl's basketball team."  In the fifth-dimensional consciousness, this symbol refers to dissolving barriers and illusions about what is possible.  Previously held beliefs suddenly seem meaningless.  We see there truly is no boundary between us.  We are One, and this energy brings people of like-mind together as a team.  The Black Moon moves to 21 Virgo at 6:17 pm ET/10:17 pm UT.

Everyone's shadow side is tempted to come out and be projected onto others on "Black Moon Days."  It is particularly so when the Black Moon is opposing Chiron, the planet of wounding, healing, and teaching.  Old pain or burdens want to be released.  A quest for healing calls us.

What is said or spoken today is important and will make a lasting impression.  It makes a mark, so to speak.  If this is related to the intentions, hopes, wishes, and dreams that were "seeded" during the New Moon in Aries, the universe will get the message and respond.  Keep this in mind if issues of trust, vulnerability, perceived failings, and self-doubt creep in.  The Moon will oppose Chiron at 11:49 pm ET/3:49 pm UT.

Everything is coming together as Jupiter moves to the 17th degree of Leo and the energy of the Sabian symbol "a volunteer church choir makes a social event of rehearsal."  Volunteers give of the heart, and today's energetics most definitely want us to come from the heart space.  Whether this be in service of a higher calling and/or the fulfillment of a desire or goal, it is a co-creation with others and a co-creation with Spirit.

It's always a good idea to spend time outdoors and with nature on Black Moon Days.  It's the best remedy for anything that is trying to come into alignment because the Black Moon seeks restoration and the Earth provides this.  Turn her way.

(Note: I will be discussing current events and future energetics with Phoenix on Phoenix Rising Radio tonight from 10:00 pm - midnight ET/7:00pm to 10:00 pm PT on Truth Frequency Radio.  Hope you can tune in.)