Thursday, November 26, 2015
/Full Moon Phase: illumination, realization
Moon in Gemini
Goddess of Wisdom: Kamala - The Goddess of Transformation, Goddess of the Lotus
God of Will/Desire: Elias - God of the West, God of Transformation
Skill: watch and learn
True Alignments: forming a different and expanded perception, motivation, gatherings of like minded people, vision for the future, dispelling darkness, stories, consultation, listening to messages
Catalysts for Change: avoidance, being vulnerable with people who are not "safe" to be vulnerable with, denial, arguments, propaganda, arrogant, control issues, feeling one's way is the only correct way
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: " a woman drawing aside two curtains that closed the entrance to a sacred pathway"
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the music of the spheres"
Today, all the world is a stage and there are three starring roles: Change, Drama, and Wisdom.
CHANGE: Change and action are highlighted rather dramatically with the Sabian symbols "a radical magazine, asking for action, displays a sensational front page" and "a tumultuous labor demonstration." These are very assertive energies that intend to incite or initiate something. Of course, we view these energies on an individual and global level. What is coming forth within you? What is coming forth in the world?
If following the cycles of the Sun and Moon teach us anything, they teach us that change is the nature of the universe. And energy always shifts when the phase of the Moon shifts. Viewing life and time from the more expansive view of the few days of the Moon phase enables changes to be handled more gently, and thus we remain more grounded. When we view life and time only from the daily perspective, pressure tends to mount. The same amount of work can be accomplished, but it happens in a more natural way. One "spiritual" day is one Moon phase. This works best with inner development, not as much in the work world-- for now. Try it out and see if you start to feel more expansive and relieved. See if you feel less pressure. See if you feel empowered by following a natural mode of time as opposed to a basically artificial measure.
DRAMA: Situations have potential to be more dramatic, not only because we are in the Full Moon phase, but also because the Sabian symbols "a theatrical representation of a golden-haired goddess of opportunity," "an Easter promenade," and actually both symbols above of the sensationalism and tumult of the radical magazine and labor demonstration. Since so many astrological aspects are unfolding during this Moon phase (see below for yesterday's report which remains posted), potential for drama is higher, especially in relationships since Venus, Mars, the Black Moon, and Pluto are all being activated. Together, Mars and the Black Moon bring out anger and the projection of anger. Luckily, the third actor is Wisdom, who guides us through these kinds of things.
WISDOM: The Sun discharges the energy of "an old owl up in a tree" while symbols of " a professor peering over his glasses at his students" and "three old masters hanging in a special room in an art gallery" are also activated. The old owl takes his own counsel in the tree, but he also takes the counsel of the tree, a reminder that we are never alone. Spirit is always with us because we are immersed in it and breathe it in and out. It's like diving underwater but not needing an air tank (we just haven't figured out we've dived and we can breathe).
But, the beauty of all of this comes from one symbol that is activated today that bring Change, Drama, and Wisdom together: "the head of a robust thinker changes into that of a mature thinker." The mature or wise thinker steps out of swirling drama and steps back to observe. We are wise to the energetic dynamics in place over the next few days. We watch and we learn. We experience the transformation.
After all, it's Wise Owl Day.
And with that, in celebration and protection of The Attendance to Wisdom - the Wisdom Goddess Gaia Sophia and the divine experiment of humanity - the parliament of wise owls brings the group meditation Wings round the World. No dogma here. Do it anytime, but it is best to do before the Sun comes up again wherever you are on the planet.
Wise owls are called upon to join together and to spread "wings" around the world in a wave of love.
- Your shield of divine protection
- Yourself taking flight as a wise owl
- Yourself taking your place in a ring around the Earth with the other wise owls around the world
- From your heart, emanate a wave of alignment with love, freedom, and the value of life
- Feel the pulse circle as the music we are putting around our sphere
- Repeat what you know in your heart: "Love prevails."
Please modify this according to your own practice and style. I have already prepared the space for the "ring of wings around the world." Let's keep our minds focused on the bigger picture today.