


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Third Quarter Moon Phase: reorient

Moon in Libra/Scorpio

All of the Mahavidyas join us today

Skill: celebrate

Negative Imprint: struggle, getting lost, excluding others, lack of depth, closed to possibilities, tantrums when people don't get what we want

Positive Imprint: joy, light, harmony, love, what feels like home, spiritual connection, devotion, loyalty, heights of expression, filled with the breath of spirit

The cosmic rain turns to cosmic fireworks today, as the Sun moves into conjunction with the Galactic Center, releasing an array of solar flares.  It's a cosmic party of epic proportion and we are all invited.

Since 8:00 pm ET/01:00 am UT last night, the Sun has released three flares.  The latest was an M9  - almost X-class.  It is not known at this time if any of the flares produced coronal mass ejections, but, clearly Sabaoth the Sun is happy to energetically "come home."  This is where we've been headed all month.

The Sun's conjunction with the Galactic Center only happens only one time each year - this time of year.  For about three days, the Sun is in perfect harmonic resonance with our spiritual home in the galaxy.  It's always an energetic explosion of light, but this year is spectacular with the Sun's display of sunworks.  As I said yesterday, it is the reason for the season.  Truly it is joy to the world, heaven on Earth.

The mission today is to maintain the connection with the idea of celebration, knowing what is really going on at spiritual levels.  We can have our own little party of the mind.  With this attitude/sense of happiness and joy, anyone who comes into range has the opportunity to join us.  They will not necessarily know this reason for the party today, but happiness spreads.  It's true holiday spirit.

Spirit is close with these energetics, and today we breathe out so that spirit can breathe us in.  This is in-spir-ation.  It's a party favor that we take with us.  It has deep meaning for each of us.  Spirit is setting off sparks inside of us, activating ideas, connections, and feelings that are creating the blueprints and plans for the future.  If we are open, a massive download of information is available.  Ask a question and watch the universe bring your answer.

Even though we don't know if any CMEs were released with the flares, the occasion (and intensity of the solar activity) merits a look at the Sabian symbols or celestial code that identifies energy signatures that are involved.  It's too much to write this morning, but I will discuss it in the audio overview of the next lunar month, which will be recorded today.  Here's a preview:  The Sabian symbol for the first flare is "the chanticleer's (rooster's) voice heralds the rising Sun with exhuberant tones."

Heralds the rising Sun with exhuberant tones.  We can do that, right, wise owls?  Let's celebrate!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Third Quarter Moon Phase: revision

Moon in Libra

Ruling Mahavidya: Tara (Goddess Who Liberates)

Skill: recognize when things are becoming too complicated and then un-complicate them by aiming for ease; pay attention to trees

Negative Imprint: sacrificial lambs, hyper-focus, rushing, forcing, desperation, blocks, reversals of fortune

Positive Imprint: cutting through non-essentials, acknowledging others, ease, manifestation, reinforced roots, flow

Energetic conditions today are very complicated.  Many things need attention and it is easy to quickly become overwhelmed.  The mission for wise owls today is to remain in the mindset of ease.  This is achieved in any situation by asking the question What would be easiest?

This is easiest when we step back, take a deep breath, and look at things with a softer eye, a softer approach.  Rushing or forcing things tends to backfire today.

A softer approach does not mean inaction, and today the energy wants us to practice taking risks, opening up, and being vulnerable.

Being vulnerable does not mean being a doormat, and today the energy asks that we have courage for our convictions.  It shows where we need to honor ourselves more.

Honoring ourselves more does not mean we detach from others, and today the energy brings together like-minded people, places, and things.  Communicating, brainstorming, and sharing with others enhances our projects.

You see how one thing leads to another today, making for many complications.

But, the Sun is moving into its annual link up with the Galactic Center today and tomorrow.  This is the real story of this time of year - a time of holidays that are really holy days.  The real story is about light.  It's about our inner heart fires joining with the flame of the Sun and the illumination of the Galactic Center.

I mention this because at the lowest octave, the energy of the Uranus-Pluto square that came in with full force last weekend is combining with the impending conjunction of Venus and Pluto with the New Moon this coming weekend to disenchant people. 

When we are focused on the fact that people are focused on shiny baubles, we become sad and then we miss the opportunity.

When you see a string of gaudy Christmas lights, instead of reinforcing the imprint of artificiality and materialism flip your mind into an honoring of the principle of light which makes the gaudy Christmas lights possible.  Think of light for light's sake.  Whether by candle, bonfire, moon, or electricity, light is light.  Remember the real reason for the season: light!

Most of my time this morning was spent in communication with the Mahavidyas about the next lunar cycle, which Andrew and I will record tomorrow.  You will not want to miss this one.  I will detail how, as a parliament of wise owls, we are standing in witness to what the Archons and their new world order minions are doing and planning (evidenced today via sacrificial rituals with children - the false flag attack at the Pakastani school).  The Sabian symbol or energy that was in effect with this, you will recall from yesterday, is "a boy with a censer at the altar with the priest."

To put it much more mildly than Kali put it to me, the Archons can expect a "kiss" from her next cycle.  Since they are blind, they won't see it coming.  But we will.  Maintain a strong center - one that is not pulled off into tricks that tell us humans do horrible things to each other by nature.  We don't.  There's third-party interference here and we are wise to it.  Capture the real opportunity right now - our homecoming with light.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Third Quarter Moon Phase: reorientation

Moon in Libra

Ruling Mahavidya: Bhairavi (Goddess of Arts)

Skill: respond with high hope

Negative Imprint: demolition of hierarchy, denying happiness, consciously manipulating others, immaturity, projection of negativity, militaristic aggression

Positive Imprint: devotion, good fortune, common good, power for good, calm, rewards, reverence, independence, integration

For the first time since November 15, yesterday the Sun released a solar flare with coronal mass ejection.  The M1.6 flare and resulting CME occurred at 2:33 pm ET/7:33 pm UT. 

Solar flares shoot packets of light (information) to us with specific intentions in mind.  The specific intention or mission of a CME can be discovered by looking at the Sabian symbol, or energetic description, of the degree of the Moon at the time of the CME.  The Moon was located at 26 Virgo, in exact square to the Galactic Center, at the symbol of " a boy with a censer (covered incense burner that swings from chains) serves near the priest at the altar."

When the Sabian symbols "returned" to consciousness in the 1920's, the symbol of a boy at an altar with a priest had a different connotation than it does today.  A deeply negative imprint has twisted into this symbol.  But at the highest level, this symbol is about renewed hope.

This CME happened as powerhouses Uranus and Pluto were moving into exact square once again this year.  They came into exact astrological aspect at 7:46 pm ET/00:46 am UT, but the effects were being felt for days in advance (and will continue to be felt for a few days as the planets move off from their dance).

Perhaps another intention of the renewed hope that comes from this energy is for the priest at the altar to return to the original idea of serving the highest interests of the boy - of all children?  Perhaps the boy has now grown into a man and stands in front of the priest, holding him accountable to the Laws of Life?  Perhaps the waves of sea change that are coming ashore with the Sacred Masculine are beginning to rectify wickedness and return sanity?

This symbol also images the idea of the simplest elements being vital.  Burning incense shifts the time-space/space-time of the altar and anyone focused on what's going on at the altar.  In this way, the incense, and the boy who is swinging the incense burner, are the simple but necessary parts.  In kind, we may feel like we are one small part of the big picture, playing our role in the divine dream, but wisdom tells us that all are parts are necessary.  Without each of them there would not be a collective.  Sabaoth the Sun reminds us that we are all important and that the smallest elements are critical to the overall purpose.

Additionally today, our friend the bluebird of happiness returns to stand at the door of our inner house with the Sun reaching the degree of this Sabian symbol.  If you have been following the Oracle Report this month, you know that the bluebird of happiness has been flying in from time to time.  Today the bluebird is serious about bringing good fortune and magnetically drawing us toward people of like mind, heart, and spirit.  The energy helps us make progress and move forward with less resistance, enabling us to continue "nexusing" with others and implementing plans for the future that were made eons ago.  This month is a homecoming of soul families to reorient the world and bring the Second Renaissance.

This month has been a spiritually-busy one, with the Full Moon pouring down cosmic rain to uplift consciousness.  Tangible, external representations of hopes, wishes, dreams, and plans become visible as consciousness is expanding.  The things that we've projected from our minds begin to manifest in the grand dream we are all dreaming.  The dream is getting bigger and becoming even more alive.

All of this brings a new sense of being, an enlarged perspective about our lives, and an enhanced journey through deeper spiritual levels.  Today is about reorienting - shifting from one state of mind or being to a higher one.  Respond to the energy with high hopes for the promise of happiness.



Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Full Moon Phase: enlightenment

Moon in Cancer (Leo at 10:15 pm ET/7:15 pm PT)

Ruling Mahavidya: Shodashi (Goddess of Beauty, Goddess Who Charts Courses)

Skill: watch from the inner place of calm and respond when needed

Negative Imprint: unprepared to respond, glaring differences in paradigms and philosophies, alienated, isolated, separated, overprotection, avoidance, thirst for power, feelings misunderstood

Positive Imprint: shielded, changing conditions, good magical rituals, intuition, offerings and blessings, sharing thoughts and feelings, healing, progress, inner riches

A strong influx of energy continues to rain down on us, pouring down at times.  It's intense!  But upgrades in consciousness usually are, and today we will respond and adapt to the changes that are happening inside of us and outside in the world.

Let's talk about what's contributing to this and where it's going.

First, one aspect of the intensity is courtesy of Pluto's daily march toward aspect with Uranus.  The two are chiming a tune that is being heard around the world.  Pluto will make exact square with Uranus once again this Sunday, December 14 at 7:45 pm ET/ 00:45 am UT, re-activating the energetics of the monumental Grand Cardinal Cross.  This Grand Cardinal Cross aspect has been cresting at various times throughout the year.  The purpose of the Grand Cardinal Cross has been to sound a call to awakening, duty, and mission.  It's the marker in time when soul families would come back together to shift the world paradigm - the world dream - back to its natural state.  Light workers are activated.

It's a big mission, so we feel it in big ways.  It is often initially experienced with chaos.  When things begin to shift, a certain degree of chaos is unleashed.  In this context, chaos is a good thing because it means we are changing (transforming, alchemizing) from one way to another.  It is unsettling.  It's supposed to be, because the energy is sorting and sifting and shuffling things all around.  It's like a snow globe that has been turned upside down and shaken.

Instead of being the spiraling snowflakes, we can stay pretty well grounded in the middle and watch as the snowflakes settle into new places and patterns.  Wise owls watch from the inner place of calm, not only because it is wise, but because it is beautiful.  Falling snowflakes are wondrous.

We want to choose wonder over chaos.

The second dynamic involves this month's theme of "homecoming," which is becoming more pronounced as the Sun progresses further into Sagittarius and closer to conjunction in the sky with the Galactic Center.  It's a high, holy event.  The Sun will conjunct the Galactic Center next week on December 17/18.  We will be in the Balsamic phase of the Moon at that time, the dreamy, spiritual phase when the veils between the worlds are already thinnest.  The Sun, the Earth, and humanity "come home" when the Sun returns to the degree of the Galactic Center. 

On the tails of the high, holy event of the Sun conjunct the Galactic Center, the New Moon in Capricorn enters three days later with Venus conjunct Pluto (both squaring Uranus), and Venus stationing retrograde the same day.  So we will have a New Moon and Venus stationing retrograde while aspecting Pluto and Uranus all on the same day. 

Recall also that the Capricorn lunar month is a "cardinal" month, one of the four months each year that pivot massive change and set new courses.  This is where the energy is building and this is why people are feeling the intensity.

Instead of calling it an intensity let's call it a quickening.  Intensity has such a negative connotation and we are aiming for wonder.  "Quickening" better describes it, don't you think?

Today, as we are captivated (sometimes by the sheer spectacles of insanity) by the things that are shifting inside of us and outside in the world, we are adapting to what is happening.

Feelings of isolation and loneliness underlie this energy if we don't feel like we have or are making connections with others.  This month is "nexusing" people of like mind together, but if you aren't feeling or experiencing this, the emptiness is deep.  All things must unlock in their own time.  Even if you aren't seeing the "homecoming" in your life right now, know that the energies are working at even deeper levels of you to form new elements.  Your personal astrology may be "overriding" the generalized energies.  If so, take heart because other important and special things are happening for your journey.  Most likely you are creating a new "snow globe" with your life.

There is also an underlying signature of today's energetics that carries a thread of fear or danger.  This is present today and tomorrow.  Pay attention to your gut feelings.  Don't dismiss intuitive caution or warning.  If it feels bad, move on.

Themes related to substance versus appearance also entangle today.  Appearance tends to dominate with this one.  Superficiality is annoying, so be prepared to respond and adapt if this appears for you today.

Also, the potential for projection of one's own feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and fears onto others is strong today.  With this, there is an attempt to escape personal responsibility and avoid or deny that anything is happening.  Take on board only what is yours.

It is a good idea to incorporate the element of fire through the end of the month.  Like the Sabian symbol for the degree of Pluto, "a fire worshipper meditates on the ultimate realities of existence," we can use the element of fire for enlightenment.  Light a candle and in the flame's reflection, see the representation of the candle that is lit in the window of the Galactic Center, waiting for us to come home.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Full Moon Phase: illumination

Moon in Cancer

Ruling Mahavidya: Kali (Goddess of Endings and Beginnings, Goddess of Time)

Skill: pay special attention to what you see and hear

Negative Imprint:  grumpy, obsession with details, outworn methods, holding on to illusions, despair, dramatic overreaction

Positive Imprint: being open to receiving, maturity, higher mind, healing, compassion (especially compassion for ourselves), bridging, emerging on a new course, solutions, clarity

The first elements of the Full Moon's "cosmic rain" or upgrade in consciousness come into experience today.  These elements involve a new relationship with the concept of time.  The Goddess of Time herself, Kali, joins us today, using the cosmic rain to help us become "timebenders." 

The expansion of our understanding of time and our relationship to it begins today with Jupiter stationing retrograde.  In astrology, this means a planet appears to move backward.  In a sense, when a planet is retrograde, it is traveling backward in time.  Energetically,  it goes back to what has already happened or has been put in play in order to revise or re-tune it. Jupiter will be retrograde until the beginning of April. 

During this time, we start to defy gravity.  Gravity is the ruler of time.  Gravity is heavy.  Jupiter will teach us lessons on how to lighten up enough to lift and bend our minds so that we are not controlled as much by time.  This is a lesson on activating or enhancing our magical, shamanic selves. 

Evidence for this comes from the Sabian symbols or energetic code for the degrees in the sky where Jupiter stations retrograde and then direct.  Jupiter stations retrograde today at "a bareback rider in a circus displays her dangerous skill."  This is energy that takes on great feats and acrobatically defies the ordinary.  It artistically defies gravity.  It is impressive energy in its boldness, but also as the energy for making a mark - an impression.

Leaping through the air and learning to bend time is quite an abstraction, but the lesson comes about quite practically.  The lesson has a plan.  The "teacher's edition" reveals that the lesson comes about through the Sabian symbol for the degree where Jupiter will once again station direct (or appear to move forward) in April.  The Sabian symbol for this degree is "an evening lawn party of adults."  The energy of this symbol references a carefree, relaxed atmosphere where we take a break from the work of work.  In a larger context, we begin to release tight constraints on our ideas about all kinds of things, which frees mind space and    time for the greater mission - merging the worlds, bringing heaven to earth, returning the mysteries, re-enchanting consciousness.

To bend time, we have to bend our minds.  Jupiter excels at this.  Kali delights in it.

Mindbending is enhanced today with Mercury's conjunction with the Sun. This energetic brings a renewal or rebirth, specifically a spiritual rebirth.  When planets make a conjunction or come together, they form a new beginning.  Mercury and the Sun are coming together today at the degree of "an Easter sunrise service."  Faith returns with this energy.  Doubt lifts.  Reverence enters.  Light rises.  Signs, synchronicities, and important messages come to us when Mercury meets the Sun.  This time, the messages are about how to live differently - how to do it a new way.  Pay close attention to what you see and hear today.

Connections, links, and bridges between people, places, and things are forged today, continuing this month's theme of people of like mind, heart, and soul coming together to build the future.

With Kali on duty today, she will shrivel the past into shreds and banish it into the Great Void.  We are wise not to buck this today.  Whatever is moving away is doing so for the best reasons.  Whatever is moving forward is doing so for the best reasons.  It's better to dance with it.  If this is a struggle for you today, contemplate how whatever is happening is not loss, but transformation into another form.

This is quite enough mindbending for one report!  Let's stay alert to the beautiful messages coming to us to forge the future.

Saturday, December 6 - Sunday, December 7, 2014

Full Moon Phase: enlightenment

Moon in Gemini

All 10 Mahavidyas join us

Skill: come together

Negative Imprints: unsophisticated viewpoint, excluding others, prejudice, blaming or scapegoating others, weak attempts and empty shows, aggression, pressing opinions

Positive Imprints: free spirited, sophisticated understanding, in-depth communication, insight from past experience, convictions, freedom, alternatives, changes to the status quo

The energetics of this weekend's Full Moon unite elements of light to activate an enormous  amount of energy.  A cosmic upgrade in consciousness is underway for the remainder of this lunar cycle.

This month's "nexusing" or bringing together of people now becomes a sort of "fusion."  This is an actual process of spiritual physics that occurs on all levels of consciousness, even the subatomic level.  It is a very real thing.

Other words for "fusion" are amalgam, blend, composite, compound, mixture, and synthesis.

The divine purpose for fusing together people of like mind, spirit, heart, and mission at the levels of light is to mold the future.  In the imagery of the Sabian symbol of the Galactic Center, our spiritual home in the galaxy and the location in the sky where Venus and the Sun are headed right now, "the sculptor's vision takes form."  We are the sculptors and our vision is to unite heaven and earth.

The uniting of heaven and earth is forming from a union (amalgam, composite, compound, blend, mixture, synthesis) of dualities, beings, places, spaces, and ideas.  Uniting heaven and earth means we enter the dream that is dreaming us.  It means we dream together and build our world accordingly.

With this, we hear nothin' but the rain - cosmic rain coming down to activate codes in us that will dramatically accelerate the principle of attraction.  The Law of Like Attracts Like is supercharged to bring people and things together so that the world aligned with nature and natural order can emerge.  Plans are being made and the infrastructure of the present and future is being fortified.  That world already exists; we just have to build it.  (The better term would be "dream" it because it doesn't come about through our traditional notions of building.  We envision it, take action toward it, and it then begins to form.)

But let's fuse all of this into a practical level that is applicable.  This is what the energetics are directing this weekend to facilitate the upgrade:

  • Share in a carefree manner your thoughts, feelings, and ideas with others.  This may include sharing feelings or insights about our shadow sides, where we fell down, and how far away from our true selves we have ventured.  The past is awakened all month long with the Sabian symbol of "retired army veterans gather to awaken old memories."  We are much more inclined to look back at the past this weekend, but it should be for reflection and contemplation, not for staying.  What was learned?
  • If you are struggling with what feels like piling responsibilities, a change needs to occur.  Examine where you are over-doing things.  What's being sacrificed?
  • If the cosmic rain starts to turn into a torrential emotional thunderstorm, recognize that the air is being cleared of what has built up.  Did a release need to happen?
  • There is stronger potential for surprises, shocks, and things coming about without warning.  Was something liberated?
  • "Signs" from Spirit are posted along the way all weekend to guide us if we are engaged in the process.  We are in the lunar month of the year where communication is highlighted.  When we follow a mystical path, we are vigilant to the world around us, understanding that the mystical is fully steeped in the ordinary.  What are the signs telling you?
  • We are being shown where we settle for scraps.  This involves issues of dependence and independence.  Opportunities are being missed when we look to others to nourish us.  Are you diminishing your essential worth while trying to satisfy a certain need?
  • Rallies around causes and injustices are present in the weekend's energetics.  Is the cause worthy and just?
  • Strong influxes of energy like the one this weekend often are felt keenly by our bodies.  Headaches and fatigue are common.  Are you being kind and gentle with yourself?

All of the Mahavidyas, the ten Wisdom Goddesses who are faces of Gaia Sophia, join us this weekend because it is a cause for celebration!  Are you ready for a fusion of consciousness? 

Happy Full Moon, everyone!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Gibbous Moon Phase: trust

Moon in Gemini

Ruling Mahavidya: Kamala (Goddess of Love)

Skill: trust in the magic of life and the power of possibilities

Negative Imprint: theft, refusing to see good things, attempts at subtle manipulation, insensitivity, blocking emotions, dogma, pushing things too hard

Positive Imprint:  goodwill, expressing value and ideals, pure intentions, conquering limitations of space and time, psychic connections, linking up

Today we have a very lovely and special astrological energetic with the conjunction of Venus, the love goddess, with Cupido (Cupid), the love messenger.

Cupido is an asteroid, one of four I follow.  In Latin, Cupid means "desire" and also "love."

It gets better.  The conjunction between Venus and Cupido is happening at the degree of the Sabian symbol "a bluebird standing at the door of the house."

According to the "big book" (Ted Andrews' Animal Speak), bluebirds are associated with "modesty, unassuming confidence, and happiness."  He discusses how bluebirds were once plentiful in North America, "but are now quite rare.  This often is a reminder that we are born to happiness and fulfillment, but we sometimes get so lost and wrapped up in the events of our lives that our happiness and fulfillment seem rare."

What makes this energetic even more rare is that the conjunction is happening very close to the degree of the Galactic Center, our spiritual home in the galaxy.

Add this to the lunar month that is like a "homecoming" with the Sabian symbol of "retired army veterans gather to awaken old memories" and you see the potential this day's energy brings.

On the eve of the Full Moon, our hearts are gathered to, in Ted Andrews' words on the bluebird, "to touch the joyful and intrinsically native aspects of yourself that you may have lost touch with."  This is happening internally within each of us, but also interpersonally, as people of like heart, mind, and spirit are coming together.  A soul family homecoming is underway this month.  It's happening in this world and in the dream world. 

If you aren't seeing the manifestation of new connections and opportunities/possibilities yet, be assured that it is happening in other ways at other levels to come into fruition in this continuum.

We are set to receive a veritable upgrade in consciousness with the onset of the Full Moon tomorrow and continuing through the remainder of the lunar month.  Swathes of light (information, knowledge) will rain down on us, activating inner wisdom that is ready to burst forth and set the stage for the future.

The sacred masculine (the return of the king) inside each of us is activated with this "cosmic upgrade."  This is happening because the building of the infrastructure of the future is a delightful thing to the sacred masculine.  Building things of function is highly enjoyable for the sacred masculine.

The sacred masculine understands that true relation with others (society) is about recognition and acceptance of the divine within each of us.  The "cosmic upgrade" that accompanies the Full Moon tomorrow will help us recognize and accept this about ourselves.  When we "get" this, everything shifts.  We begin not just seeing life in a new way, but molding life in a new way - from a position of personal power.  These shifts are changing the world.

The bluebird of happiness, Cupid, and Venus are standing at your door.  Is it open?

(Note: The Sun has increased activity with three M-class flares yesterday, with an M6.1  released at 1:25 pm ET/6:25 pm UT.  No coronal mass ejections resulted from these flares.  We will continue to watch.)


Thursday, November 4, 2014

Gibbous Moon Phase: trust

Moon in Taurus

Ruling Mahavidya: Dhumavati

Skill: clear out the old; separate and release what is no longer needed or wanted

Negative Imprint: disclosing other's information/telling personal secrets, inflexibility, discarding things that are truly valuable, desperate attempts at acclaim

Positive Imprint: validating one's own existence, seeing through smoke and mirrors, being well-rehearsed, appreciating one's skills, grace under fire, talent

A few days ago I mentioned that an influx of light (knowledge) would begin streaming in at the Full Moon and would continue through the remainder of this lunar month.

Today and tomorrow are setting the stage for this "cosmic upgrade" or liberation of spirit.   An advancement in spiritual consciousness is set to occur.  This will change our individual lives in important ways and it will change the collective of humanity in many ways, too. 

This "upgrade" is happening before we reach the Capricorn lunar cycle on December 21, 2014, because the Capricorn cycle is the final critical month in the Year of Changes.  Capricorn is a cardinal sign and completes the four cardinal points or directions.  The most change occurs in cardinal cycles - the lunar months that begin with the New Moons in Aries (most of April 2014), Cancer (most of July 2014), and Libra (most of October 2014).  You can look back to past years and see this also.

But 2014 is about the sea change that brings the re-enchantment of the world.  It is the year of upset to see which paradigm will rule - a paradigm in line with nature or a paradigm that is not aligned with nature, and therefore is unnatural.  The Sabian symbol that describes the energetic for the who year is "the ruler of a nation," and next month will be the final chance for the unnatural side (the Archons and their human minions) to try to move things their way.  They may make some fireworks as their control agenda continues systematic deconstruction and implosion, lashing out in final attempts, but their time is over.  Don't be fooled by twisted events of propaganda that are projected on wide-screen for mindless consumption.  At bigger levels, the collective dream is changing.

We have a very special astrological event happening tomorrow, and I will hold that in suspense, but today's energy attempts to clear out any cobwebs of emotions that still hang in the recesses of the past (especially old wounds or feelings of regret and failure), insecurities that haunt us like ghosts, consequences of decisions that plague us like phantoms, and places inside of us that have died and remain unburied.  The main things that have died inside of us are hope and belief, which means it is time to bury hopelessness and disbelief.  Hope and belief can then be reborn.  The restoration of the notions of hope and belief are major components of the re-enchantment of the world.

Today, this is a job for the Wisdom Goddess Dhumavati.  Today she will winnow or separate what we need and what we do not need.  She gets rid of darkness, especially when we are willing to look at ourselves and our state of mind honestly.  She brings second chances to those who feel like they lost their first chance.  She brings second opportunities to those who missed the first one.  She slays the fear that comes from opening up to hoping and believing again.

Also today something from the past may return for revision or reorientation.  This may leave us feeling vulnerable, but it is happening to move us forward.  It is leaving us open for new opportunities.  Remember that the linking up of people of like mind to form new structures and systems for the future is the main objective of this month's energy.  It's not so much about what we've done to survive to this point as it is about what we do from this point on.  The past is a massive trap right now.  It's the matrix trying with all its might to lure us back into the old ways.  Now it is about new, beautiful and vibrant beginnings.

Also keep in mind that more effort may needed today to adjust the way we communicate in order to fit the way others understand best.  This is important because communication is highlighted since we are in a month that is like a month-long Disseminating Moon phase - the time when we share our thoughts, feelings, and ideas with those we trust, but also give our feedback.  We help people's projects grow.  We listen to what is being said and watch what is being done around us and take in the data that is useful to us.  We discard what is not useful.

Today's energy also drives us to express ourselves, our skills, and talents in a tangible way.  We want to see a result or a manifestation.  The low octave of this works toward receiving validation from something or someone outside of ourselves.  The high octave of this works toward receiving fulfillment from sharing oneself with humanity.

The benefits of any type of bodywork that is done today are greatly enhanced under today's energetics.  Be extra good to your body today.

We will be glad of anything that clears out the old today because it is making way for the fabulous influx of cosmic goodness that is on its way with the Full Moon on Saturday.  And tomorrow it just gets better.

(Special notes:  Mars will move into Aquarius around 7:00 pm tonight.  Mars in Aquarius brings high levels of POWER.  Power issues may surface as a result tonight.  Also, the Moon will make opposition to Saturn at midnight ET/5:00 am UT.  We will see a rise in the inner sacred masculine with these aspects.)

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Gibbous Moon Phase: trust

Moon in Aries

Ruling Mahavidya: Tara (Goddess Who Guides)

Skill: focus time/energy on your body

Negative Imprint: immobilized by barriers, false impressions, restricting growth, clinging to what is familiar, suppressing emotions, resistance to moving forward

Positive Imprint: overcoming obstacles, enlightenment about something, connecting the left and right sides, excitement for the unknown and the possibilities it brings, results of inner change showing from hard work done over time, new spiritual understanding

Today's energy tends to take logic out of the mix and relies solely on emotions, intuition, and physical responses.  The goal is to get us very much "in body."  Reconnections with the body are strengthening it in preparation for an influx or an upgrade to levels of consciousness that will enter at the Full Moon and rain down like sparks throughout the remainder of the month.

The power to act, decide, or solve using logic just isn't going to be as effective today.  Today is a test of our intuitive muscles.  So don't push things that aren't making sense.  Leave them for a later time.  Walk away for a while and see if it starts to work better when you come back and look at it.

The energetics are happening this way to help us adjust to further expansion of consciousness.  Today's energy wants to help us overcome barriers, especially barriers that keep us from fully engaging life the way we would like.  There is ample power today for guidance through difficulties, courtesy of the Wisdom Goddess Tara.  She specializes in such work.  Fear is the greatest barrier to moving on and Tara is a guide through those storms.

In terms of archetypal energetics, last lunar month we were on a bus headed into new "territory."  We reached a place in consciousness where we could claim personal sovereignty and see a new way of life beginning to emerge.

This lunar month, we are "pioneering" through new territory (mental and physical territory).  Newly opened lands offer opportunities for experience - expansion of consciousness.  These experiences pass us by if our backs our turned and looking back into the past.  The Black Moon's recent entry into Virgo tends to have us spend too much time in the past, looking back, feeling a wince of failure and regret, and trying hard to learn from it so it won't happen again.  It doesn't have a chance of happening again if our mindset is in the past.  Nothing new can enter, so nothing more is lost. 

Much of the linking up or nexusing, as I call it, is happening at other levels of consciousness (as part of the merging of the two worlds - what we perceive as the "real" world and the world of spirit.)  This month is a cosmic huddle.  We "check in" with how we are managing to forward the various missions and what types of obstacles we are facing.  Plans and strategies are made.  You may remember dream fragments like this.  The "huddles" are taking place in what would be considered exotic places - like caves high up in mountains of the East, crystal structures that seem part of the Earth's core, the black woods of a forest, under the hot sun of an ancient city, or in what seems like an alien city.  This is how the "other" world - the one that we are blending with ours - works.

What happens in the dreamtime is then reflected in our waking world.  There are many names for the two worlds in the concept of merging, many of the names are scientific.  We need many types of names, words, and expressions to explain the concept.  It can be described through the arts of science, spirit, story, experiment, visionary creation, musical creation, digital creation, and healing.  It's shamanism in the age of re-enchantment of the world.

Overall, today's energy helps us overcome something that holds us back from pioneering into new lands of consciousness - new experiences of life.  Break away from the outworn and familiar.  A happier, better way is in the works.  Switch your perspective and see what happens.

Monday, December 1, 2014

First Quarter Moon Phase: action

Moon in Aries

Ruling Mahavidya: Kamala (Goddess of Assurance, The Golden Goddess)

Skill: rewrite the old energy

Negative Imprint: lack of discernment, playing games, working against one's best interests, control, mindless chatter, mental fuzziness, uncooperative

Positive Imprint: playing your role, inviting happiness, cleaning up, sharing ideas and feelings, turning something into gold

Today we have a mixture of two dominant energetic signatures: golden opportunities and assurance.  Both of these are specialties of the Wisdom Goddess Kamala, one of the ten faces of Gaia Sophia, who is close by today.

Kamala is often perceived as casting a golden glow.  The" golden opportunity" component of today's energy brings offers, opportunities, circumstances, and events that may seem too good to refuse.  When it seems too good to be true, it usually is; but today is the rare day when it has high potential to be true.  This energetic element is a gift - a reward for good deeds and hard work.  Kamala facilitates these things, all in service to this month's mission of "nexusing" with others and seeing new blueprints/structures for our lives.

The "assurance" component of today's energy is a counter to old, deeply imprinted themes involving fear for our personal safety and security and the safety and security of people we love.    Our survival instincts are engaged with it.  This imprint has been reinforced over many, many years.  The energetics today are naturally drawing us toward more nourishing and secure situations, but this often comes from feeling a push or change or move.   We are being redirected away from situations that are disturbing or even damaging to us.

The redirection takes us toward situations that feed the inner self and the feeling of homecoming.  The inner feeling of homecoming is heaven on Earth.  Bringing heaven to Earth - merging the worlds - is our job, each in our own way.  Kamala is on the job with us today to help.  If fears are trying to paralyze you today, especially fears related to money or security or trusting something like a golden opportunity, understand that this is an old energetic imprint that needs to be recalibrated.  Spiritual forces are in play to assist us with this today.  It involves trusting (or even believing) that spiritual forces are actually in play to bring golden opportunities and reassurance.  Do you believe?

The Moon will move through Aries today and reach Uranus at 6:15 pm ET/11:15 pm UT this evening.  This energy builds towards shake-ups and change-ups, and also freedom from restriction and control.  Flashes of inspiration, like lightning, can come upon us rapidly.  A saving grace can be inserted.

Be aware also that other elements of today's energy lean things toward the overly-dramatic.

Are you open to the golden goddess and her opportunities and assurance?  Let's re-imprint today's energy out of fear and into excitement. 


Saturday, November 29 - Sunday, November 30, 2014

First Quarter Moon Phase: step out of comfort zone

Moon in Pisces

Ruling Mahavidya: Shodashi (Goddess Who Fulfills Highest Desire)

Skill: contemplate inner fulfillment and then listen

Negative Imprint: uncompromising, risky action without planning, obsession, exhaustion, obscured vision

Positive Imprint: new responses, deep release, standing up for self and others, solution-focused, protection, pre-planning, aiming

We shift out of the challenging energetics of the Crescent Moon phase and into the forward movement of the First Quarter Moon phase.  This changes things up quite a bit.

One thing that happens Saturday (via Mercury square Neptune) is a wave of energy that pivots our mindset to see many new things.  Deep levels of spiritual knowledge and understanding open to us.  "Deep" is one of the keywords for this lunar month, along with "homecoming."  Saturday's energy can take us deeply into the connection between mind, heart, and body - deeply into our "scalar selves" - to access whatever provides the feeling of home.

In other words, the question of inner fulfillment is primary today.  What would inner fulfillment look/feel like to you?

Collectively, we've almost deleted the notion of inner fulfillment, for various reasons.  But the mission Saturday is to see life beyond the battle we've had with control forces because the primary battle has already been waged and won.  It took place between the Aries and Libra lunar months this year.  It ended with the convergence into one timeline, courtesy of higher spiritual forces (the Mahavidyas among them) in collaboration with individual humans linked together in shared mindset.  What's left to do now is take care of the details.  And when we can see or envision life this way, we begin to create it.

A blueprint is needed, and our desire - our notion of fulfillment - which underlies Saturday's energy, drives us toward whatever provides us inner fulfillment.  It's a time of instruction by Spirit, and the lesson is delivered mostly through auditory or written means.  So the things we hear - things in conversation, things overheard, things we read, things in the background, things in our hearts - have patterns.  If we are in a receptive mode, we get the message.  It sounds crazy, but it is really the process of engaging the collective waking dream.  Our hearts are already in a certain resonance with inner fulfillment, so they naturally seeks out that which will reinforce it.  Meaning forms within the random.

So, as you can see, Saturday's energy is deep.  "Deep" works best when it comes out lightly.  As much as possible, take a light-hearted approach to whatever is deeply resonating for you.  The process of engaging the collective waking dream should be fulfilling.  Fulfilled translates to happy, to fun, to whole, to centered, to bliss, to heaven.

Sunday's energy is more about us focusing our intention and attention based on the insights and teaching that comes to us Saturday.  Compositions are made Sunday.  Things come together or are brought together or are pieced together to see a much bigger perspective.  We take a step up in consciousness on Sunday.

The step up in consciousness ultimately adds to this lunar month's theme of "retired army veterans gather to awaken old memories."  People of like-mind and like-spirit continue to come together and begin to understand their plans with each other.  People who have been together for a while see their roles in new ways.  A spiritual homecoming is underway across the world.  As the new world emerges, so do new opportunities.  It may require trust or a leap of faith in the fact that a new world is emerging to see this as truth.

It's a deliciously complex convergence of energies this weekend, energies as rare as deep earth minerals.  Go deep and listen for inner fulfillment.  Ask the Wisdom Goddess Shodashi, who directs us toward what is in our highest and best interests, to enlighten.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Crescent Moon Phase: challenges

Moon in Aquarius/Pisces

Ruling Mahavidya: Bhairavi (Goddess Who Fortifies the Heart)

Skill: slow down and lighten up

Negative Imprint: escapism, irresponsibility, avoidance, self-sacrifice, self-criticism, self-punishment, over-reaction, fear of losing independence

Positive Imprint: invitations, situations opening up, respect, self-nourishment, deep feelings, love, lightness of being, strong foundations

The Sacred Masculine in each of us makes its presence known today.  A combination of our energy and our emotions mobilizes.  It brings things - thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and even long-forgotten parts of us - up from the deep.

Another dynamic is in play to facilitate this.  The Moon will move into Pisces, making opposition with the Black Moon for the first time since the Black Moon's movement into Virgo yesterday.  (If you missed yesterday's report, it is in the Archives at  I discussed the Black Moon in Virgo a little more in that report.)

The Moon will move into Pisces, opposing the Black Moon, around 5:00 pm ET/10:00 pm UT.  From there, the Moon will build toward conjunction with Neptune around midnight ET/5:00 am UT.   This will be our first experience of the Black Moon in Virgo (and its aspect with Neptune).  The Black Moon in Virgo is trying to help us reconcile lingering feelings about our perceived failures, short-comings, and weaknesses.  These are the most likely suspects for uprising today.

In particular today, the Black Moon helps us see situations where we've looked to others to provide what is best provided by oneself, and situations where we diminished ourselves and our potential by accepting mere scraps when more was wanted.  If we compromised on ourselves with something, it may surface for healing today.  The Black Moon's goal is to rebirth us into a happier place, so it is best to go with where she takes you.  The healing comes from understanding that each of us is on a quest for wisdom, a quest to understand the universe through understanding ourselves.  Mistakes or failures don't matter because the universe will deliver opportunity after opportunity for us to do it differently.  We do it differently when we learn from our mistakes.  We reflect on things and contemplate them in order to learn from them and thus do it differently.  Black Moon in Virgo is particularly adept at this and is teaching all of us.

On the whole, today's energy wants to open up our hearts.  The Sun is located at the degree of "Cupid knocking at the door of the human heart."  Walls around the heart try to come down.  The Wisdom Goddess Bhairavi joins us today to assist us with facing any fears that accompany the walls coming down.  She will also aid those who are resisting Cupid's knock or having issues in relationships.

We have the potential for a highly emotional day today as the new energy of the Black Moon strikes.  Mostly we want to observe what this energy is going to be like for us instead of reacting to it.  We are just getting started here, so even though an internal "mobilization" is happening, let's enter the waters slowly.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Crescent Moon Phase: challenges

Moon in Aquarius

Skill: share with others

Negative Imprint: difficulty showing true feelings, robbery, undervaluing, not seeing the depths of people and situations relying on the same solutions, not getting to the core of things

Positive Imprint: treasures, integrity, honesty, staying on your toes in tense situations, sincerity, self-confidence, reassessing, refinement, drawn toward love

Sagittarius energy sets us on personal quests for knowledge and wisdom, and certainly to find what is real, valuable, and true.  Sagittarius highly values what's true.

Today, as people gather together (especially in the US with Thanksgiving), we find ourselves with people of both like and unalike mind.  Thus, it is a time when the millenia-old Archontic tactic of divide and conquer finds a unique opportunity to be played.  They try to play us.

When people of the heart are forced to be with people who still live the lie, unless the people with heart recognize the control-tactic of divide and conquer, this type of day can be a miserable struggle.  Many Oracle Report readers incarnated into families where strong Archontic energies have deeply infected people's minds and have essentially taken a person over.  The humanity inside that person has been dominated.  When you are interacting with Archontically-controlled people, remember that they are archontically controlled and the person is very far back in there.  It is pointless to directly engage in conflict with an Archon (Archons are insane and can't be reasoned with), so don't waste your energy.  Be neutral with them.  Set yourself an intention that you won't take any bait and you won't feel like a failure, a black sheep, or incapable.

Feeling like a failure, feeling like a black sheep, and feeling incapable also comes courtesy of the first day of the Black Moon's movement into Virgo.  Those with the Sun in Virgo or Pisces and those with the Black Moon in Virgo or Pisces are likely to feel the shift, if you haven't already.  The Black Moon in Leo was fiery.  The Black Moon in Virgo is earthy. 

The Black Moon delivers the process of death and rebirth, and it always brings a reward.  One of the rewards it will bring is a stronger, more grounded connection with Gaia Sophia.  On the micro level, the Black Moon brings us down to Earth, and on the macro level, the Black Moon brings Heaven down to Earth.  She is as much the golden-haired goddess of opportunity as she is the raven-haired goddess of destruction of the outworn.  The Black Moon's transit through Virgo is going to find and eliminate what we no longer need.  She is interested in efficiency and is trying to get us into better physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual shape.

Remember that the Black Moon and the planet Eris are the same energy with the same themes.  The Black Moon operates on the individual level and Eris operates at the global level.  Eris' discovery in 2005 was the harbinger of the Great Awakening.  Her mission is to free our minds from the slavery that has been imposed on us.  Her only goal is freedom.

It is always a game with Archons.  If you find yourself amongst family and friends with heavy Archontic infection, remember that they are infected.  They have a disease.  We don't judge people with diseases. Remember that you are dealing with an infection, not a person, and not your loved one.  You are probably the person who will dispatch that Archon back to Source someday.  So don't let any of the drama or prodding to engage in old discussions or debates trick you into an interaction that will only drain your energy.  Archons devour the energy that comes from conflicts.  Take the high road and just don't engage it.  You can maintain your calm, wise owl center and observe without being part of the strife.

Also today, the spirits of our ancestors are close to us.  Our feelings about people who have passed come through and affect us emotionally.  Our ancestors have ancient wisdom they wish to share, so pay attention to messages and intuitions.  The wisdom we seek was tapped long ago and is in plentiful supply.  We can reorient ourselves to gather to awaken old memories not just with people who are alive, but also those who have crossed over.  Today's energetics facilitate connecting with loved ones on the other side who have something to tell us.

That said, the past is powerful today.  It's never a good idea to linger too long in the past because we can become stuck there.  It's easy to do on holidays, like today in the US.  Losses are felt more keenly.

Remember that we are in a lunar month that is like a month-long Disseminating Moon phase, so sharing our thoughts, feelings, and ideas with those we trust is the goal.  When we share with others and take into consideration their opinions about our thoughts, feelings, and ideas, those thoughts, feelings, and ideas receive extra energy.  They are empowered by a little bit of "testing" with others.  It is critical to understand who you can actually trust.  The Black Moon always works to blend polarities, so when we are talking about the Black Moon moving into Virgo, we have to also address its opposite - the Black Moon in Pisces - the shadow of trust.  Black Moon in Pisces works to integrate the notion of trusting trustworthy people - those who truly care about us.  In other words, Black Moon in Pisces tends to trust people who don't deserve or haven't earned our trust.  It's always a paradox with the Black Moon.  The lesson is to learn to be vulnerable with people who care about us, not to be vulnerable with people who indicate they will hurt us.  We know the difference, but most of the time it's not the way we want it to be.  So we go into denial and trust the untrustworthy anyway.  Then we get hurt.  Groundhog Day again.  Let's do it differently.

Also, there's the potential for blame to be passed around today.  Don't take on board anything that is not your responsibility.

In an overall way, we tend to reassess our attitudes and ideals with today's energetic combination. 

Eastern mysteries (and their physical and mental practices) are also highlighted. 

Other themes involve bargaining things that should not be bargained because they have great value.  Don't bargain yourself off.  Instead, walk away.  The value is greater than what is being offered.

Thanksgiving is an American tradition, but the idea of being grateful and appreciative is universal.  Anyone on the planet can have Thanksgiving today.  It's not really about what you eat in celebration; it's about seeing the blessings and bounty of being alive and celebrating it.  It's quintessentially human.  We're still here after all attempts to the contrary.  We're still here and getting stronger every day.  We've overpowering darkness and pouring in the wave of light.  Don't forget this today if family or social interactions are focused on darkness and negativity.  They are just a little behind and haven't seen the truth of what's happening yet.

Thank you, everyone, for being a part of the parliament of wise owls with wings across the world dreaming the human component of Gaia Sophia's dream.  There is no better job in the galaxy, in my opinion.  I hope you all have a very happy day!

Wednesday, Novmber 26, 2014

Crescent Moon Phase: challenges

Moon in Aquarius

Skill: break free from constraints

Negative Imprint: stuck in the past, denial of what it obvious, egocentricity, hiding, argumentative, overly dramatic, overreaction

Positive Imprint: listening to the inner voice, being open to opportunities and invitations, revision

As the Black Moon spends her last day in the sign of Leo, the changes that she has delivered over the last nine months come into perspective. 

The mission of the Black Moon in Leo has been to break up stagnancy at the personal and global levels.  Situations, circumstances, systems, and routines that were a hindrance have changed.  Some of these changes came about abruptly.  All of them landed us in new territory.

Today we have an inner motivation for change.  Pluto moves to the 13th degree of Capricorn and the Sabian symbol of "a fire worshipper meditates on the ultimate realities of existence."  Pluto will remain at this degree through December 27th, bringing the energy for highly focusing our personal resources - our energy.  This is also one of the degrees of the zodiac that prompts kundalini experiences.

Those with the Sun or Black Moon in Leo or Aquarius begin to experience what comes at the end of a Black Moon transit: rebirth.  The long process of intense self-reflection and integration of changes comes to an end and a revitalized version of ourselves begins to emerge.  This is the time that is like the phoenix rising from ashes and beginning its ascent.  An ascension in consciousness is delivered at the end of the Black Moon's transits.  Light returns.

Today we may need to refer to older books or information for guidance or assistance with deeper issues.  The message we need is found in sources that have age-old wisdom.  These are tried and true, trusted sources.

Also today, something from the past may cross our paths once again.  A feeling of exposure or vulnerability may come about because something from the past is revealed.  Has something been freed with this?  Has something been brought back to life?

As the shadow of the Black Moon in Leo clears, changes to the old order and structure of things become clearer, too.  We see a new reality emerging. 

It is, quite possibly, an ultimate reality.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Crescent Moon Phase: challenge

Moon in Capricorn

Ruling Mahavidya: Kali

Skill: maintain a grounded connection with the Earth

Negative Imprint: neglect, false appearances, might over right, giving up, frustration, impatience, not accepting help

Positive Imprint: progress, determination, idealism, expression, declaration, strong bonds, the advancement of the collective

Strong astrological aspects are in play today.  There are chaotic elements and peaceful elements.  Since we know both are in operation, we can navigate between them.

The chaotic elements are energetically noisy and may require us to exert more effort to connect with higher sources.  More effort may be needed to drown out negativity.  I suggest everyone go outside and reinforce their grounded connection with Gaia Sophia today.  Do it multiple times if needed.

Most of the chaotic elements come from the conjunction of Mercury with Saturn today.  The exact conjunction occurs at 9:23 pm ET/2:23 am UT, but the energetics are in effect all day.  The planets are meeting at 27 degrees of Scorpio in the sky.  The Sabian symbol or energetic image of this degree is "a military band (tank?) marches noisily through the streets."

To add fuel to the fire and volume to the noise OR to add depth to the journey and amplification to the calm, whichever we choose to engage, the Moon will toggle from contact with Pluto toward contact with Mars.  The Moon makes a conjunction with Pluto early in the day, bringing up deep emotions.  The deep emotions build throughout the day and evening, as the Moon activates the energy of Mars, which prompts us toward action.

Ultimately, if we could take a long-range view, today's energy serves to forward feelings of dedication.

Remember that the overall theme for this lunar month is "homecoming" as the New Moon imprinted the energy of "retired army veterans gather to awaken old memories" that will be disseminated all month long.  This desire for a feeling of home is heightened today, adding power to nexus or bring together people with missions, ideas, projects, and mindsets in common.  Plans/blueprints for the future become visible or more real to us.

Even though it's a noisy day, the energetics are strong and can be used to accomplish the greatest feats.  We can cross chasms of the mind to take us from where we are to where we want to be.  We can transform an idea into a reality, a feeling into beauty.  Let's ground ourselves firmly today and aim for this with the energy.

Monday, November 24, 2014

New Moon Phase: new or renewed

Moon in Sagittarius/Capricorn

Skill: set intentions/make marks

Ruling Mahavidyas: Shodashi (Goddess Who Fulfills Highest Desires, Goddess of Symmetry of Form) and Matangi (Goddess Who Renews, The Administrator) 

Negative Imprint: overly competitive, propaganda, rejecting intuition, false appearances, elitism, controlling behavior

Positive Imprint: linking things or putting pieces together, shows of appreciation, see through, symmetry, orderliness, self-confidence and authority, stories, opportunities, connecting spirit and body

Multiple themes follow along multiple lines today, and we are accompanied along the way by two of the faces of Gaia Sophia: the goddess who lines things up, Shodashi; and the goddess who cleans up issues and makes sure that things are supported, Matangi. 

Shodashi is adept at multi-tasking; her skills facilitate lining up all the circumstances and setting things straight.  Matangi sweeps away what is no longer needed as things are being set straight.  She relishes in getting rid of anything that was hurting us.  She puts it down with glee.

The day's complex energies bring the impulse to be impulsive when other energies suggest that we use caution and forward planning.  So, action that has been planned and carefully thought out is supported, while leaps or risks that are uncalculated are not.

A wider and clearer picture of the truth of various things - people, places, things, ideas, circumstances, motivations - tries to come to us.  The catalyst for this may be something someone says or something that we hear or learn.  This lunar month is like a long Disseminating Moon phase, the time when we are naturally inclined to share.  Spirit tries to enhance our experiences during Disseminating lunar months.  It wants to make things better and will seek out ways to tell us what will make things better.  Most of the time this happens directly through interaction with other people, but it also happens with sightings or encounters with animals and the repetition of patterns (synchronicities).  When we are open to this feedback, without self-judgment, we naturally come into alignment with the highest and best track.

Chiron stationed direct overnight, completing a journey to heal and remove wounds and trauma that keep us from fully engaging our inner spiritual warrior and fully unleashing our inner sacred masculine.  Chiron rules past lives, and it stations direct at the degree of "a sword used in many battles in a museum," bringing back the memories of the past.  Chiron is in Pisces, ruled by Neptune, the key energy that the sacred masculine has been using to return to the stage.

With the return of the sacred masculine comes the return of our will.

We engage our will when we make intentions, goals, and wishes.  To make intentions, goals, and wishes, we need desire. 

Desire has become a longer than four letter word in religious and spiritual movements.  The Gnostic texts that have been recovered tell us human nature is a combination of wisdom and desire.  What happens to a species that has one half of their nature removed?

A species that has one half of their nature removed is only half alive.  (And thus, I might add, expresses it through a morbid, mass obsession with zombies.)  We are a traumatized species overcoming the trauma reaction of not allowing ourselves to want anything because when we want something, we open ourselves up to the potential for pain.  To avoid pain, we avoid wanting.  It's classic trauma syndrome.  But in the process, we stop living.

It's time to bring back desire.

This month's influence of the desire via the sacred masculine and the energetic theme of "retired army veterans gathering to awaken old memories," which is the Sabian symbol of the degree of this month's New Moon is served today by Mars, the God of War.  Mars is located at the degree of "a soldier receiving two awards for bravery in combat."  Perhaps the soldier's bravery came from a combination of wisdom of battle and desire to uphold what is loved. 

Perhaps we should follow suit today.  We are still in the New Moon phase.  Light a candle and set your wish, your intention, your desire for the month and let the heavens work on it with you.  Open up to receiving what's needed to awaken the memories of why you are here and what you are doing.

Saturday, November 22 - Sunday, November 23, 2014

New Moon Phase: beginnings

Moon in Sagittarius

Skill: be an archer

Negative Imprint: exaggerating the past, rationalization, setting up inner walls that block involvement, busying oneself to avoid feelings, feeling defeated, insensitivity, blurting things out, aggression

Positive Imprint: deep emotional reward, defiance of the forces of time, liberation, communication, sharing, trust, carefree

A new lunar month begins in the sign of Sagittarius today.  The energetic imprint for the month involves themes related to the Sabian symbol (descriptive image) of "retired army veterans gather to reawaken old memories." 

This energy will be in play all month long, bringing people, places, and things of similar mind and intention together.  Sagittarius is the The Archer, and he combines on the New Moon with the Archer of Love, Cupid, and the Goddess of the Homefires, Vesta, to shoot us with love arrows blazing with the feeling of home. 

Many things will develop from this volley of love arrows, and the volley will find us all month long.  At higher levels, arrangements and allowances will be made to ensure that we have a "homecoming" with the things we need.  Alliances, missions, projects, and relationships that were planned long ago begin implementation.  A new blueprint for the future is reawakened as people, ideas, and plans come together. 

It's important to follow where you are drawn this month.  An internal combustion is happening to pull us toward whatever we need.  This energy is working at the core level, with deep elemental processes in play to awaken parts of us from long ago - from the "before times."  Ore from our core is ignited.

In turn, deep, elemental processes will be going on within the Earth.  The inner fires (volcanic and tectonic activity) of Gaia Sophia have been rising for some time and may be dramatic this month.

Words are powerful this weekend.  Mind what you say but also put your thoughts to paper if you are inclined toward writing.  How about a wild "mindfire?"

This weekend, as the new month begins with the New Moon on Saturday, set your sight and take aim.  Aim to facilitate the energy that brings the spiritual homecoming.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Balsamic Moon Phase: field transformation

Moon in Scorpio

Ruling Mahavidya: Kamala (Goddess of Assurance/Goddess of Passion)

Skill: be receptive to messages

Negative Imprint: envy, contempt, extremes, immaturity and prematurity, foolish risks, mass effects, tricks, drama

Positive Imprint: changes at the core level, something revealed, grace, shifting, new responses, stability, impeccability

On the eve of the New Moon in Sagittarius, the Wisdom Goddess Kamala draws aside two veils that closed the entrance to a sacred pathway. This is the second time this month that she has invited us into new levels of consciousness and experience.  She opens deeper possibilities and opportunities.

Today she asks that we walk into tomorrow's new lunar month (and all of the possibilities opportunities it will bring) with renewed vitality.  She asks that we walk through the entrance to the next month with restored passion for pursuing what makes our hearts sing.  She asks that we remember.  She asks that we maintain the spirit of boldly going forward toward our destiny.

But today's energy can also go crazy.  The Sun is located at a degree that brings out madness.  It also brings out immaturity, the need to be the center of attention, and the desire to overindulge.

On the higher octave, beautiful forms can be made - forms of anything.

Connecting with what is real and immediate is a pervasive intention, but today it is even more important.  Nature is always the primary source for what is real and immediate, but there are also people, places, and things that are real and immediate for us.  We want to stay on track with what is truly valuable to us.

Finally, messages are falling down like leaves.  They are marking the way to the sacred pathway that Kamala is opening for each of us.  Be open to receiving them.

I would like to thank Janet Hickox for having me on her show "Living Astrology" last night to talk about the Black Moon moving into Virgo.  If you missed it, click the link below to listen to the archive:

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Balsamic Moon Phase: field transformation

Moon in Scorpio

Ruling Mahavidya: Kamala (Goddess of Assurance)

Skill: be like a wise owl in a tree peering out and observing

Negative Imprint: feeling restricted, stealing, making noise but saying nothing, surrendering to domination, jealousy, difficulty expressing feelings

Positive Imprint: rebirth, making melodies from sounds, consultations, choosing wisely, objectivity, contemplation, teamwork, taking something and making it better.

The planets align in a special configuration today that enables messages to be powerfully transmitted into the collective, so powerful in fact that they shape the future.

Power to infuse a background or subliminal communication into the message is provided by the position of Mars at the degree of the Sabian symbol "a hidden choir singing during a religious ceremony."  Mars turns this spiritual energy messianic with the ability to stir up fervor.

Energy for the best possible delivery of the message is leveraged from the position of the Earth at the degree of the Sabian symbol "the first mockingbird of spring sings from the tree top."  This gives the message the flavor of being innovative, revolutionary, and able to be "ahead" of everyone else.

The force to spread the message comes from Mercury, the Messenger himself, at the degree of the Sabian symbol "a parrot listening and then talking, repeats a conversation he has overheard."  This implies the mimicking of what is heard, not processing it for oneself.

Energetics to enhance the level of noise or dissonance that the message can stir up comes from Saturn at the degree of "a military band marches noisily through the streets."  The potential to enhance militaristic action also comes with this symbol.

A line of energy to prompt people to come together and be part of the "winning" team comes from Venus at the degree of "a game of cricket" at the time of the message.  This prompts a feeling of "you are either with us or against us."

A message that has the ability to stir at the heartstrings comes courtesy of the Sun at the degree of "an Indian woman pleading to the Chief for the lives of her children."  This is the fiercest force of all.  This symbol images the plight of children, trying to make their way in a harsh world, unprepared for what they face, and a mother begging someone who has "authority" to determine life and death -  to spare them.  Compassion tries to be invoked.

And finally, the almighty power of emotion is added with the Moon at the degree of the symbol "a drowning man being rescued" at the time of the message.  A savior, a liberator, a defender, a guardian angel delivers salvation to those who are going under.

If you wanted to deliver a message that would have the power to affect the future of the world, would you do it under these energetics, specifically at 8:00 pm ET tonight?  Such a message is scheduled to be delivered at that time from Washington, DC.  The Illuminati astrologers chose well.

But there's a bit of a wild card here.  As the Sun rises over Washington, DC today, Venus is at the degree of "an old owl up in a tree." 

Wise owls see what others miss.  They see the set-up.  The message is a game.  It will try to incite violence and rebellion.  It's bold and pushes the limits.  It will play into other messages that are being delivered, messages that will also try to incite violence and rebellion.  It's an attempt to provoke but it will not work out the way they intend.  Like all their moves this year, this one won't go the way they plan.  Humanity is more like a parliament of owls, not a pandemonium of parrots (no disrespect to the gifts of the parrot intended.)  We have divine sources helping us see through the game into wisdom.

All of these themes can be taken into the realm of our individual lives.  The energy affects the macro level of global affairs as well as the micro level of interpersonal affairs.  We can apply it to our own lives.

Today, we practice the skill of being like a wise owl in a tree, watching and ready to respond, not react.

(Note for astrologers:  Mars will be crossing the descendant over DC at 8:00 pm local time tonight, with the Ascendant, Descendant, and Mars being in tight square to the Eris Point.  The Eris Point is the feminine energy [a la another face of Eris - the goddess Columbia, the feminine half of namesake for Washington, DC - the other being George Washington, of course] that the Illuminati historically love to try and manipulate.  In the Sibley chart for the birth of the US, the US' natal Mercury is aspected at 8:00 pm.  For those who did not know, the US' natal Chiron - wounding - is the degree of the Eris Point - 21 Aries, which will be activated by Mars with a square.)

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Balsamic Moon Phase: transformation

Moon in Libra

Ruling Mahavidya: Kamala (Goddess of Assurance)

Skill: return frequently to the inner place of calm and completion

Negative Imprints:  relying on too little experience, putting ourselves at risk, not taking initiative, overload, growing up too fast, feeling responsible for everything, denying self-expression, minimizing self-worth and accepting the minimum

Positive Imprints:  balance, renewed interest, combining skills with others, imagination, creativity, peace, moving into a new level of learning, progress, reward, deep understanding of what is possible in situations and relationships

The veils between the worlds are particularly thin today, as the Sun reaches the degree of "the King of the Fairies approaching his domain."  His domain is a place of inner calm and completion.

The King's Domain is a world we may want to visit regularly today because there are strong energetic signatures with themes of being overburdened, having too much responsibility, and being pushed beyond what is reasonable.  Expectations tend to be unrealistic to the point of absurdity or even insanity.  If you start to notice these themes developing in your world today, slow down and rethink what is happening.  Slip into the domain of inner calm and completion for a moment and consider where you want things to go.  Take command to balance the situation.  We don't have to be driven to brink with anything.  We don't have to take on more than what is natural.

The inner place of calm and completion is a place of wisdom.  It provides guidance and composure so that we do not overreact.  We see the true nature or personal value of things so that choices can be made for all the right reasons.  Renewal, when it looks like all opportunities or chances have passed us, is what results from the inner place of calm and completion.

The Wisdom Goddess Kamala, who is quite familiar with the domain of the King of the Fairies, has attempted to awaken or re-awaken something deep inside each of us this month.  She wants us to experience more satisfaction - more happiness.  She has worked on opening us up inside like a lotus blossom.  Since she never leaves anyone or anything behind, she has tried to help us find what has been missing.  Her efforts will continue through Friday.  Tell her your situation and be assured that you are being heard.

The veils between the worlds are always thinnest during Balsamic Moon phases, but today this is especially true with the Sun as the King of the Fairies approaching his domain.  Balsamic phases bring messages, insight, and information from spiritual sources, but we need to be in a "Balsamic" or dreamy state of mind to receive them.  It's possible to maintain a sense of dreaminess while simultaneously engaged with tasks and work.  It takes the skill of a wise owl who performs functions with one level of the brain while flying into the cosmos with the other level.  In other words, we do our work but we also have our attention open to the world of spirit.  This is easier to do on days like today.  It's a merging of worlds.

The audio recording of the overview for the next lunar month, the Sagittarius cycle which begins Saturday, is posted on the homepage of  We have some very nice things in store with that energy and I hope you find it helpful going into the New Moon.